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Showing posts from May, 2021

World's 10 Smallest Countries That Probably You Don't Know | SardarJiFactSite

  Just like the people themselves the countries can be rather strange and hold some very interesting facts. I often wonder what’s the largest, longest, lowest, or most luxurious country in the world and what wonders does that particular country hold. Here we’re going to look at 10 of the world’s smallest countries facts that probably you didn't know. Be it for the beauty, the culture, or the smell. 1.Saint Kitts and Nevis – 101 Square Mile This two-island country is located in the Eastern Caribbean and as of January 2016, the population is over 6 times less than the Maldives at 55,000 and is just 15 sq. miles smaller. This shows the sheer secluded nature of the beautiful place. Some much-respected figures have at one stage called this island home. Alexander Hamilton one of the founding fathers of the US for example was born here. 2.Liechtenstein – 62 Square Mile Liechtenstein is an incredibly interesting country with some very weird occurrences over its lifetime. As of January 20

The Interesting History Of Roman Numerals | SardarJiFactSite

The Fact Of Post Did you know that Roman numerals were actually created between 850 and 750 BC before Rome was even founded? Used as a means of writing numbers out during the days of Ancient Rome, they are still commonly used today. You’ll often see Roman numerals adorning bricks above the doorways of really old buildings, displaying what year the building was constructed. Although the place where they can most commonly be found is on clock-faces – even with London’s famous Big Ben’s clock-face using Roman numerals for the numbers 1 – 12, despite being designed in 1852. Early Roman numerals. The early Roman numerals for 1, 10, and 100 were the same as the Etruscan ones, but they changed to symbols for 5 and 50. The symbol for “100” also went through some variations, going from “I” or “ƆIC”, to either “Ɔ” or “C” – with “C” eventually winning and becoming the cemented numeral for “100.”

20 Important Facts About China That You Should Know | SardarJiFactSite

Fact Of The Post China is one of the world’s largest countries and has the highest population in the world.  In 2020 over 1.4 billion people were living there. China is a country with a rich history, full of traditions and natural wonders that fascinate the world. China is certainly a mysterious country that is slowly being discovered by the outside world. Here, today we are going to read the 20 best interesting facts about China that you probably didn’t know. China Facts Let's Start Reading Facts 1. Boy eggs are a traditional delight. You might be wondering what boy eggs are and why are they such a treat? Well, in Dongyang, Zhejiang, a county in China, a tradition happens every spring. Eggs are boiled in the urine of boys, traditionally boys under the age of 10 years old. The dish is called “tong zi dan,” which translates to boy egg.