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50 Strange But True Facts About Humans Body | 2020

Fact Of The Post

Bodies give off a tiny amount of light that’s too weak for the eye to see.

Incredible Human Body Facts


1. Ears and nose never stop growing.
2. Your lungs can hold up to 5 minutes' worth of oxygen.
3. Your heartbeat changes and mimics the music you listen to.
4. Without your pinky finger, you would lose about 50 % of your hand strength.
5. The strongest muscle in the human body is the Masseter  (jaw muscle).
6. Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents.
7. Most of the dust underneath your bed is actually your own dead skin.
8. Human bones are ounce for ounce, stronger than steel.
9. When you blush, the lining of your stomach blushes too.
10. People with blue eyes have a higher alcohol tolerance.
11. We spend 10% of our waking hours with our eyes closed, blinking.
12. When awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a small light bulb.
13. Your taste buds are replaced every 10 days.
14. The average age of a human fat cell is 10 years.
15. Your bones are composed of 31% water.
16. When you take one step, you are using up to 200 muscles.
17. Humans shed 40 pounds of skin in their lifetime, completely replacing their outer skin every month.
18. Your body has enough iron in it to make a metal nail 3 inches long.
19. All of the bacteria in our body collectively weigh about 1.800 grams.
20. The human eye can distinguish about 10  million different colors.
21. Your brain uses 20% of the total oxygen and blood in your body.
22. Stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.
23. Every day, your heart creates enough energy to drive a truck for 20 miles (32 km).
24. The chemical elements that make up your body are worth around US $ 160.
25. If the human eye was a digital camera it would have 576 megapixels.

Interesting Human Body Facts

1. Similar to fingerprint. everyone also has a unique tongue print.

2. Scars continue to look the same year after year because, while skin cells are replaced periodically, the underlying collagen is not.
3. If uncoiled, the DNA in all the cells in your body would stretch 10 billion miles, from here to Pluto and back.
4Your fingernails grow four times as fast as your toenails?
5. Your mouth produces about one liter of saliva each day!
6. Laid end to end, an adult’s blood vessels could circle Earth’s equator four times!
7.  the word “muscle” comes from a Latin term meaning “little mouse“, which is what Ancient Romans thought flexed bicep muscles resembled.
8. Bodies give off a tiny amount of light that’s too weak for the eye to see.
9. The average person has 67 different species of bacteria in their belly button.
10. Babies don’t shed tears until they’re at least one month old.
11. Information zooms along nerves at about 400kmph!
12. The human heart beats more than three billion times in an average lifespan.
13. Your left lung is about 10 percent smaller than your right one.
14. Human teeth are just as strong as shark teeth.
15. Scientists estimate that the nose can recognize a trillion different scents!
16. Humans are the only species known to blush.
17. Adult lungs have a surface area of around 70 square meters.
18. Around 80 percent of what we think is taste is actually smell. Flavour, is a combination of taste and smell perception.
19. Humans are the only animals with chins.
20. The cornea is the only part of the body with no blood supply – it gets its oxygen directly from the air.
21. The average person produces enough saliva in their lifetime to fill two swimming pools.
22. There are about ten thousand taste buds on the human tongue and in general girls have more taste buds than boys!

23. You carry, on average, about four pounds of bacteria around in your body.
24. 50 percent of your hand strength comes from your little finger.
25. As people get older, their skin gets thinner, drier, and less elastic, hence wrinkles start appearing.



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