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60 Amazing Facts That Probably You Don't Know | SardarJiFactSite

Amazing Facts

Amazing Facts

1The scientific term for brain freeze is “sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia”.

2. Canadians say “sorry” so much that a law was passed in 2009 declaring that an apology can’t be used as evidence of admission to guilt.

3. Back when dinosaurs existed, there used to be volcanoes that were erupting on the moon.

4. The only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table is J.

5. If a Polar Bear and a Grizzly Bear mate, their offspring is called a “Pizzy Bear”.

6. One habit of intelligent humans is being easily annoyed by people around them, but saying nothing to avoid a meaningless argument.

7. In 2006, a Coca-Cola employee offered to sell Coca-Cola secrets to Pepsi. Pepsi responded by notifying Coca-Cola.

8. There were two AI chatbots created by Facebook to talk to each other, but they were shut down after they started communicating in a language they made for themselves.

9. Nintendo trademarked the phrase “It’s on like Donkey Kong” in 2010.

10. Calling “shotgun” when riding in a car comes from the term “shotgun messenger”.

11. The famous line in Titanic from Leonardo DiCaprio, “I’m the king of the world!” was improvised.

12. A single strand of Spaghetti is called a “Spaghetto”.

13. There is actually a difference between coffins and caskets – coffins are typically tapered and six-sided, while caskets are rectangular.

14. Sunflowers can help clean radioactive soil. Japan is using this to rehabilitate Fukashima. Almost 10,000 packets of sunflower seeds have been sold to the people of the city

15. To leave a party without telling anyone is called in English, a “French Exit”. In French, it’s called a “partir à l’anglaise”, to leave like the English.

16. If you cut down a cactus in Arizona, you’ll be penalized for up to 25 years in jail. It is similar to cutting down a protected tree species.

17. The first movie ever to put out a motion-picture soundtrack was Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

18. The Buddha commonly depicted in statues and pictures is a different person entirely. The real Buddha was actually incredibly skinny because of self-deprivation.

19. If you point your car keys to your head, it increases the remote’s signal range.

20.  To protect themselves from poachers, African Elephants have been evolving without tusks, which unfortunately also hurts their species.

Interesting Facts

Amazing Facts

1.The scientific name for Giant Anteater is Myrmecophaga Tridactyla. This means “ant-eating with three fingers”.

2. The color red doesn’t really make bulls angry; they are color-blind.

3. At birth, a baby panda is smaller than a mouse.

4. Iceland does not have a railway system.

5. The largest known prime number has 17,425,170 digits. The new prime number is 2 multiplied by itself 57,885,161 times, minus 1.

6. The lead singer of The Offspring started attending school to achieve a doctorate in molecular biology while still in the band. He graduated in May 2017.

7. The Roman – Persian wars are the longest in history, lasting over 680 years. They began in 54 BC and ended in 628 AD.

8. The spiked dog collar was invented by the Ancient Greeks to protect their dogs from wolf attacks.

9. An 11-year-old girl proposed the name Pluto after the Roman god of the Underworld.

10. The voice actor of SpongeBob and the voice actor of Karen, Plankton’s computer wife, have been married since 1995.

11.75% of the world’s diet is produced from just 12 plants and five different animal species.

12. Octopuses and squids have beaks. The beak is made of keratin – the same material that a bird’s beak and our fingernails are made of.

13. An estimated 50% of all gold ever mined on Earth came from a single plateau in South Africa: Witwatersrand.

14. The largest Japanese population outside of Japan stands at 1.6 million people who live in Brazil.

15. Violin bows are commonly made from horsehair.

16. There are less than 30 ships in the Royal Canadian Navy which are less than most third-world countries.

17. Costa Coffee employs Gennaro Pelliccia as a coffee taster, who has had his tongue insured for £10 million since 2009.

18. People who post their fitness routine on Facebook are more likely to have psychological problems.

19. Nowadays, millionaires with just $1 million aren’t considered wealthy anymore by most Americans. Now, the typical American sees at least $2.4 million as wealthy.

20. There’s no period in “Dr. Pepper”. It was removed because the old logo font made it look like “Di: Pepper”.

Fun Facts

Amazing Facts

1. The scientific name for Giant Anteater is Myrmecophaga Tridactyla. This means “ant-eating with three fingers”.

2. In World War II, Germany tried to collapse the British economy by dropping millions of counterfeit bills over London.

3.65% of autistic kids are left-handed, and only 10% of people, in general, are left-handed.

4. Herring fish communicate by using flatulence.

5. Research has found that flossing your teeth can help your memory. Flossing prevents gum disease, which prevents stiff blood vessels, which cause memory issues.

6. There is a punctuation mark used to signify irony or sarcasm that looks like a backward question mark ⸮

7. When George Washington died, Napoleon Bonaparte of France gave a personal eulogy and ordered a ten-day mourning period for France.

8. Swedish meatballs originated from a recipe King Charles XII brought back from Turkey in the early 1800s.

9. There are times when Pluto is closer to the Sun than Neptune – one of these timelines was from 1979 to 1999.

10. China is spending 3 billion dollars to build panda-shaped solar farms to get more young people interested in renewable energy.

11. The average American child is given $3.70 per tooth that falls out.

12. While hunting, stoats go crazy jumping, spinning, and twisting to get a rabbit's attention. This hypnotizes the rabbit until the stoat gets close enough to attack.

13. To properly write adjectives in order, you would list them by amount, value, size, temperature, age, shape, color, origin, and material.

14. In 1994, the company that had a patent on GIFs tried to charge a fee for using GIFS. The PNG was invented as an alternative, and the company backed down.

15. The Ethiopian calendar is 7.5 years behind the Gregorian calendar because it has 13 months.

16. Saint Lucia is the only country in the world named after a woman.

17. Scientists discovered sharks that are living in an active underwater volcano. Divers cannot investigate because they would get burns from the acidity and heat.

18. Ben & Jerry’s has an online flavor graveyard for their 10 discontinued ice cream flavors. Each one has a photo, life span, and epitaph.

19. A wildlife technician, Richard Thomas, took the famous tongue twister, “how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood” and calculated a rough estimate of what the answer would actually be. It came out to be around 700 pounds.

20. During the cremation process of a 500-pound body, the corpse was so obese that it set the crematorium on fire.

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