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65 Crazy Facts That Truly Mind Blowing | 2020

Mind-Blowing Crazy Facts:

Crazy Facts

1)The reason the taste of artificial banana flavoring and artificial banana flavored products doesn’t taste like bananas is that it is based on a type of banana that was wiped out by a plague in the 1950s.

2)Australia has over 10,000 beaches. You could visit a new beach every day for over 27 years!

3)Hares are born with fur and can see whilst rabbits are born ‘naked’ and blind.

4)The national animal of Scotland is the Unicorn.

5)The directors of the film despicable me actually wrote their own language for the Minions called Minions.

6)The mayor of the Alaskan town, Talkeetna, is called Stubbs and has been mayor of the town since July 1997. Stubbs is a cat.

7)The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

8)Due to the humid and moist conditions that a sloth lives in, moss and other similar plants will sometimes grow in its hair. sloths also have very bad eyesight. These two factors can sometimes culminate in a sloth grabbing its own arm, whilst thinking it is a branch, and falling to its death!

9)Every year in June a bizarre festival takes place in the village of Castrillo de Murcia near Burgos in Spain during which men dress up as the devil and then jump over babies born in the previous twelve months of the year! Known as El Colacho, this strange custom is part of the country-wide Corpus Christi celebrations yet only happens in this small village.

10)Viagra when dissolved in water, can make cut flowers stay erect for up to a week longer than they usually would. Try it!

11)There is an uninhabited island in the Bahamas known as Pig Beach, which is populated entirely by swimming pigs.

12)Catnip is ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET, the main substance used in insect repellents.

13)If eaten in one meal, 30 to 90 grams of the polar bear's liver is enough to kill a human being.

14)American microbiologist Maurice Ralph Hilleman is accredited with developing 8 of the 14 routine vaccinations used today, these being; Measles, Mumps, Hepatitis A & B, Chickenpox, Meningitis, Pneumonia, and Hemophilia influenza. He also discovered that Chlamydia was not a virus as it was previously thought to be.

15)In 2002 alone, more people in the U.S. were killed by dogs than in shark attacks in the past 100 years.

16)American College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, deems certain students who take courses in Pistol Marksmanship, Archery, Sailing, and Fencing as certified ‘Pirates’.

17)It is predicted that the reason why night insects, such as moths, are attracted to lights is that they mistake them for the light of the moon, which they used to navigate the Earth before mankind made artificial lights.

18)Justin Beiber once held up a sign from his hotel room window saying “Go to McDonald’s and get me a Big Mac”. He got his Big Mac.

19)In the early 1900s, Lobster was considered the “cockroach of the ocean” and was synonymous with the poor – often eaten regularly by the homeless, slaves, and prisoners. It wasn’t until after World War II that lobster became considered a delicacy and food associated with the aristocratic classes.

20)Australia has over 10,000 beaches. You could visit a new beach every day for over 27 years!

21)In the 16th Century, it was a common belief amongst people that the Mandrake Plant grew only where the ejaculated semen of a dead hanged man touched the ground.

22)Film producer Jeffrey Katzenberg revived The Walt Disney Studios by producing some of their biggest hits: The Little MermaidThe Lion KingBeauty, and the Beast,, and Aladdin. After these, he requested a promotion and was then abruptly fired by them. He then swore revenge against Disney and founded DreamWorks Studios.

23)On one of the islands off the west coast of Australia lies Lake Hillier. A bright, bubble-gum pink lake! Despite not being the only colored lake in the world, it is unique because it is the only colored lake where scientists have not yet determined what causes it to be such a bright pink.

24)In 2005, Iraqi insurgents tried to convince American officials that they were holding an American soldier hostage and meant to kill him if Iraqi prisoners were not released. However, their supposed hostage turned out to be a military action figure, not an actual soldier.

25)In 2014, Netflix spent $0 on marketing its DVD rental business, but over 6 million people still used it.

Crazy Facts About Life :

Crazy Facts

1)There is a German technique of swordsmanship known as ‘Mordhau’, which consists of gripping the sword inverted with both hands and using brute force to incapacitate your enemy with the pommel or cross-guard!

2)In 1969, a musician named Jim Sullivan recorded an album called “U.F.O.“, which featured strange lyrics about leaving his family and being abducted by aliens. Sullivan disappeared six years later without a trace, the only piece of evidence being his abandoned car found on a desert road.

3)In the film Star Wars Episode Three: Revenge of the Sith, every single one of the clone troopers was produced using CGI effects.

4)There is now technology built into some guns in America that allow a gun’s owner to control the safety catch using their smartphone or tablet.

5)In China, in 2013, scientists were able to grow a human tooth from scratch using stem cells taken from urine.

6)French author Alexander Dumas (The Three Musketeers) was promoted to General by age 31 – making him the first Afro-Antilles person to reach that rank in the French army.

7)Spiked and studded dog collars derive from the days of the Ancient Greeks, who would give their sheepdogs sharply spiked collars to protect their necks from wolves whilst they watched over Sheppard’s flock at night.

8)The world record for the largest pineapple was grown in 2011 by Christine McCallum from Bakewell, Australia. The pineapple measured 32cm long and weighed an incredible 8.28kg!

9)A study has shown that a male zebra finch is less likely to court a female zebra finch if he did not form any social friendships with female zebra finches when younger.

10)The MMORPG Eve Online hosted the world’s largest-ever online battle in space on the 28th of July 2013. It lasted over five hours and was fought between four-thousand players!

11)Hawaii’s state flag is the only US state flag to feature the Union Jack upon it.

12)The first computer for business use was developed and pioneered by a British tea shop called Lyons in the 1950s. The LEO (Lyons Electronic Office) contained 6,000 valves and was built by Cambridge mathematician John Simmons to add up the receipts of iced buns!

13)There is a blind man in America, Daniel Kish, who uses echolocation to navigate in the same way as a bat! He does this by producing a clicking sound with his tongue and then listening intently for the sound waves to bounce back.

14)Approximately 1,000,000 dogs in the U.S. are named as the heirs of their owners’ wills.

15)In a survival situation if you were to drink seawater it would rapidly dehydrate you and soon lead to your death. However, it is vastly less harmful to eat frozen seawater. This is because it contains a tenth of the amount of salt in its liquid form. After all, the salt is separated from the water when freezing as it does not fit into the crystalline structure of ice.

16)In 2012, Afghan Taliban Commander Mohammed Ashan turned himself in to local authorities, trying to claim the $100 reward prize he had seen on a poster for his arrest.

17)The organization “Cult Awareness Network” once listed Scientology as its ‘#1 Most Dangerous Cult’. Scientology then sued the Cult Awareness Network and bought them out in a hostile takeover.

18)When written down, the word ‘almost’ is the longest in the English language to have all of its letters in alphabetical order.

19)In Canada, 2012, doctors were able to communicate with a man in a vegetative state. Coma patient Scott Routley was able to tell doctors by using his thoughts that he was not in any pain.

20)A study was conducted that showed customers in a book store were 3.48 times more likely to peruse romantic books if the store smelt of chocolate, and 5.93 times more likely to buy them!

Strange Facts:

Crazy Facts

1)The medical name for a butt crack is “intergluteal cleft”.

2)People can suffer from a psychological disorder called Boanthropy that makes them believe that they are a cow. They try to live their life as a cow.

3)The name for the shape of Pringles is called a ‘Hyperbolic Paraboloid’.

4)There is a McDonald’s on every continent except Antarctica.

5)A duel between three people is actually called a truel.

6)The stage before frostbite is called “frostnip”.

7)The two tiny holes drilled in every BIC pen are to ensure that the air pressure is the same both inside and outside the pen, which helps the ink flow to the tip.

8)In South Korea there is an emergency number (113) to report spies.

9)Japan is facing a ninja shortage. There is a high demand for “ninja shows,” but it is a dying tradition and companies have trouble time finding properly trained ninjas.

10)The process by which bread toasts is called the ‘Maillard Reaction.

11)Snails have 14,000 teeth and some can even kill you!

12)Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi was not a man in a suit, it was actually a giant puppet.

13)Even though Froot Loops are different colors, they all have exactly the same flavor.

14)George Clooney did the voice for ‘Sparky’ – a gay dog in South Park.

15)Most toilet paper sold for home use in France is pink

16)The human nose can remember 50,000 different scents.

17)Daddy longlegs have penises, which technically makes them not a spider.

18)The television was invented only two years after the invention of sliced bread.

19)Bullfrogs do not sleep.

20)The dark region on the north pole of Pluto’s moon, Charon, is called Mordor.


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