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60 Best Facts About Spiders That You Need To Know | SardarJiFactSite

Fact Of The Post

Spiders don't have penises. They the appendages on their face.

Spiders Facts

Amazing spider facts

1)Spiders eat their own webs to recycle them.

2)Spider silk is about 5 times stronger than steel of the same weight.

3)The chances of us eating even one spider in our sleep throughout our lifetime is close to 0%.

4) Spiders are scared of ants due to the formic acid they contain.

5)The last time somebody died from a spider bite in Australia was in 1981.

6)Many female black widow spiders eat their males after mating.

7)Spiders can walk on water, and breathe under it, too.

8)Spiders don't have penises. They the appendages on their face.

9)Spiders, Lobsters, and Snails have blue blood due to the presence of Hemocyanin which contains copper.

10)Each species of peacock spider has its own courtship dance.

11)Spiders can survive for hours underwater by entering a self-induced coma.

12)95% of the spiders in your house have never been outside.

13)A web is sticky because of glue droplets the spider deposits on it. These droplets are three times thinner than the diameter of a single hair. Scientists describe these droplets as being similar to chewing gum: they just keep stretching and stretching.

14)Spiders are found on every continent except Antarctica.

15)All spiders spin silk, but not all spiders spin webs.

16)British singer Katie Melua went to a doctor after she heard a “shuffling” in her ear. The doctor discovered that a jumping spider was living in her. She believes the spider climbed into earbud earphones she had used on a flight the previous week.

17)Most spiders found in homes have adapted to life indoors. They have little chance of surviving outdoors.

18)A web is sticky because of glue droplets the spider deposits on it. These droplets are three times thinner than the diameter of a single hair. Scientists describe these droplets as being similar to chewing gum: they just keep stretching and stretching.

19)The black widow and the brown recluse are the only two spiders in North America whose bites can be serious. While the CDC lists the hobo spider as a third toxic spider, some researchers argue that the hobo spider’s venom isn’t as dangerous.

20)Like rock climbers, many spiders are attached to a line of silk in case they fall. They can also run up it if they need to escape.

Creepy Spiders Facts

Creepy spider facts

1)Some spiders don’t use webs to catch their prey. Instead, they make a sticky gum, which they fire out through their fangs.

2)Most spiders live for about a year. However, some tarantulas live for more than 20 years.

3)A tarantula can liquefy the body of a mouse in just 2 days, leaving behind a pile of just skin and bones.

4)The venom of the female black widow is 15 times more powerful than the poison of a rattlesnake.

5)The bolas spider catches moths using a thick silk thread with a large sticky droplet at the end. The droplet has the same smell as a female moth, which tempts other moths to the trap.

6)A spider has no bones. Rather, it has an exoskeleton, which is like a hard suit of armor that protects its body. Because an exoskeleton does not grow, a spider molts. Typically, a spider molts about 10 times throughout its life.

7)According to Greek myth, a girl named Arachne could spin so well that the goddess Athena became jealous and turned her into a spider.

8)It is a myth that a human will swallow an average of four (or any number) of spiders while sleeping during his or her life. It is highly unlikely a spider will ever end up in a sleeping human’s mouth.

9)Most spiders have eight eyes and are very nearsighted. Spiders also have tiny hairs on their legs to help them hear and smell.

10)Spiders are not insects. They are arachnids, along with scorpions, mites, harvestmen, and ticks. All arachnids have eight legs and two main body parts (a cephalothorax and an abdomen). In contrast, insects have six legs and three main body parts (a head, a thorax, and an abdomen).

11)During the 16th and 17th centuries, it was believed that a bite from a species of wolf spider (named tarantula, from the Taranto region in Italy) would be deadly if the victim did not dance to a specific type of frenzied music. It inspired a dance called the tarantella.

12)Some tarantulas will fling tiny, irritating hairs, known as urticating hairs, to thwart predators—similar to the way a porcupine uses its quills as a defense.

13)A female black widow needs to mate only once. After she has mated, she can produce eggs for the rest of her life, which is about 2 years.

14)Some species of jumping spiders can see light spectrums that humans cannot. Some can see both UVA and UVB light.

15)A red widow female spider will begin feeding on the male while they are still mating. However, the male practically force-feeds himself to the female by placing himself into her mandibles. If she “spits him out,” he will repeatedly place himself there until she eats him.

16)Only female black widows build webs and catch prey. Males do not feed as adults; instead, they concentrate all their effort on mating. A female black widow may sometimes eat a male after mating.

17)Only the bite of the female black widow is dangerous; the male is much smaller than the female, and males and juveniles are harmless to humans. Only the female has the telltale red hourglass shape on its underside; the male has yellow and red bands and spots on the abdomen.

18)The Darwin bark spider creates the strongest material made by a living organism. Their giant webs can span rivers, streams, and even lakes and is 10 times stronger than Kevlar.

19)Scientists in the United States Defense Department are trying to copy gold orb-weaver silk to use it for bulletproof vests.

20)Spiders are the only group of animals to build webs. Over millions of years, webs have evolved into a variety of kinds, such as sheets, tangles, ladders, and the elegant orb web. When most people think of a web, they think of an orb web.

Interesting Facts About Spiders

Interesting spider facts

1)Some spiders eat their webs and then reuse them.

2)Hundreds of years ago, people put spider webs on their wounds because they believed it would help stop the bleeding. Scientists now know that silk contains vitamin K, which helps reduce bleeding.

3)When a wheel spider gets scared, it tucks in its legs and rolls across the sand.

4)Jumping spiders don’t have strong muscular legs. They jump by contracting muscles in their abdomen, which forces liquid into their back legs. The back legs then straighten, which catapults the spider forward.

5)Jumping spiders can leap up to 40 times their own body length. If humans could jump this far, they would be able to jump over 230 feet.

6)Two kinds of jumping spiders have been found at 23,000 feet. At this height, no plants grow, but plant material blows up from lower elevations, which is enough to feed the tiny creatures.

7)Spiders can’t fly, but they sometimes sail through the air on a line of silk, which is known as “ballooning.”

8)Some male spiders give dead flies to the females as presents.

9)Most spiders’ fangs are like pincers that move sideways toward each other to bite. Others, such as bird-eating spiders, have long fangs that point straight down.

10)Spiders do not have teeth, so they cannot chew their food. Instead, they inject digestive juices into the innards of their meal. Then the spider sucks up its innards.

11)Wolf spiders can run at speeds of up to 2 feet per second.

12)The funnel-web spider is an aggressive spider that attacks and bites people. Its poison has been known to kill in just 15 minutes. Fortunately, there is an antivenom, and deaths from this spider are now rare.

13)Hummingbirds use small sticks and the silk from spider webs to weave a nest for themselves.

14)In tropical regions, net-throwing spiders make a small silken web that they throw over their prey.

15)The silk in a spider’s web is five times stronger than a strand of steel that is the same thickness. A web made of strands of spider silk as thick as a pencil could stop a Boeing 747 jumbo jet in flight. Scientists still cannot replicate the strength and elasticity of a spider’s silk.

16)The silk that comes out of the spider’s spinneret is liquid, but it hardens as soon as it comes in contact with air. Some spiders have up to seven types of silk glands, each creating a different type of silk—such as smooth, sticky, dry, or stretchy.

17)While humans have muscles on the outside of their skeleton, spiders have muscles on the inside. A spider’s skeleton, or exoskeleton, covers and protects its muscles.

18)The word “spider” comes from the Old English word spectra and is related to the German spine, both of which mean “spinner.” The word “spinster” is also related and means “one who spins a thread.”

19)Probably the most charming spider in history is Charlotte in E.B. White’s beloved novel Charlotte’s Web. She lives in a barn and saves the life of her good friend, Wilbur the pig.

20)The most venomous spider in the world is the Brazilian Wandering Spider or the banana spider. This aggressive spider wanders the forest floors of Central and South America looking for food. Just a small amount of venom is enough to kill a human.





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