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60 Historical Facts About World That You Didn't Know | sardarjifactsite

 History Facts For Kids

history facts for kids

1.Augustus Caesar was the wealthiest man to ever live in history.
2.Alexander the Great was buried alive… accidentally.
3.The world’s most successful pirate in history was a lady.
4.In the Ancient Olympics, athletes performed naked. The athletes did this to imitate the Gods, but also to help them easily clear toxins from their skin through sweating after each attempt at a sport.
5.Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times. Julius Caesar is probably the most iconic name associated with the Romans. Likewise, his assassination and death are also highly notorious. Due to his coup d’état of the Roman Republic and his proclamation of himself as Dictator for Life, along with his radical political views, a group of his fellow Roman senators led by his best friend Brutus assassinated him on March 15th, 44 BC.
6.The Colosseum was originally clad entirely in marble.
7.It was named the Colosseum because it was next to a statue called the Colossus. It was originally known as the Amphitheatrum Flavium, or Flavian Amphitheatre, as it was constructed during the Flavian dynasty. Residents of Rome nicknamed it the Colosseo.
8.Rasputin survived being poisoned and being shot.
9.There were female Gladiators. A female gladiator was called a Gladiatrix, or Gladiatrices (plural). They were rarer than their male counterparts. Gladiatrices served the same purpose of executing criminals, fighting each other, and fighting animals in Rome’s various fighting pits.
10.The Vikings were the first people to discover America.

Egypt  facts

11.The Luftwaffe had a master interrogator whose tactic was being as nice as possible. Hanns Scharff was a master interrogator who was very much against physical torture and brutality. His techniques were so successful that the US military later incorporated his methods into their own interrogation schools.
12.In Ancient Asia, death by elephant was a popular form of execution.
13.The UK government collected postcards as intelligence for the D-Day landings. Starting in 1942, the BBC issued a public appeal for postcards and photographs of mainland Europe’s coast, from Norway to the Pyrenees.
14.When Marcus Crassus died, molten gold was poured down his throat. Marcus Licinius Crassus was known as the wealthiest man in Rome during his life.
15.Germany uncovers 2,000 tons of unexploded bombs every year. Over the course of WWII, the Allied armies dropped roughly 2.7 million tons of bombs over Nazi-occupied Europe. Half of that landed on Germany. Before any construction work can begin in Germany, the ground must undergo extensive surveys to look for unexploded ordinance.
16.In Ancient Greece, wearing skirts was manly. In fact, the Ancient Greeks viewed trousers as effeminate and would mock any men who wore them.
17.A singing birthday card has more computer power in it than the entire Allied Army of WWII.
18.In 1386, a pig was executed in France. There wasn’t a great detail of civil rights in the Middle Ages, and as it turns out there weren’t a great of animal rights either. So much so that they were even subject to human justice.
19.Cleopatra’s reign was closer to the moon landings than the Great Pyramid being built. This is one of those facts that give you some impression of just how expansive the life of the Egyptian Empire truly was.
20.Shrapnel is named after its inventor. British Army Officer Henry Shrapnel was the first person to invent an anti-personnel shell that could transport a large number of bullets to its target before releasing them. This was all at a far greater distance than current rifle fire at the time.

Important Historical Facts

important history facts

1.Since 1945, all British tanks are equipped with tea-making facilities.
2.During World War I, the French built a “fake Paris”.Complete with a replica Champs-Elysées and Gard Du Nord, this “fake Paris” was built by the French towards the end of WWI. It was built as a means of throwing off German bomber and fighter pilots flying over French skies.
3.The Eastern Roman Empire’s weapon called Greek Fire was used in ship-mounted flamethrowers.
4.An ancient text called the Voynich Manuscript still baffles scientists.
5.A Japanese fighter pilot once dropped wreaths over the ocean to commemorate the dead from both sides.
6.4% of the Normandy beaches are made up of shrapnel from the D-Day Landings. More than 5,000 tons of bombs were dropped by the Allies on the Axis powers as part of the prelude to the Normandy landings.
7.The saying “fly off the handle” originates from the 1800s.It’s a saying that refers to cheap ax-heads flying off their handles when swung backward before a chop.
8.“Fox Tossing” was once a popular sport. Popular with Europe’s aristocracy during the 17th and 18th centuries, fox tossing would involve a person – or a couple – throwing a fox as far and as high as they could!
9.Turkeys were once worshiped as Gods. The Mayan people believed turkeys were the vessels of the Gods and honored them with worship. They were even domesticated to have roles in religious rites!
10.Captain Morgan was a real guy. The face of the much-loved rum brand was a Welsh privateer who fought against the Spanish alongside the English in the Caribbean.

important history facts

11.Genghis Khan was tolerant of all religions. Back then, the world was a very intolerant place. More often than not, conquering warlords and emperors weren’t open to religions other than their own.
12.Thomas Edison didn’t invent most of the stuff he patented. It’s fair to say that Edison was one of the world’s most notorious intellectual property thieves. Of the 1,093 things he smashed a patent on, he stole near enough most of them off real geniuses like Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Rontgen, and Joseph Swan – the latter of whom originally invented the lightbulb!
13.Albert Einstein turned down the presidency of Israel.
14.Roman Emperor Caligula made one of his favorite horses a senator.
15.Pope Gregory IX declared war on cats. He declared cats to be agents of devil worshippers. Not all cats though, it was black moggies in particular. The Pope declared that they should be exterminated.
16.The Leaning Tower of Pisa was never straight.
17.During the Great Depression, people made clothes out of food sacks. People used flour bags, potato sacks, anything made out of burlap really. Because of this, food distributors started to make their sacks more colorful to help people remain a little bit fashionable.
18.Lord Byron kept a bear in his college dorm.
19.Iceland has the world’s oldest parliament in history. Called the Althing, it was established in 930 and has stayed as the acting parliament of Iceland since then.
20.Since the end of WWI, over 1,000 people have died from leftover unexploded bombs.

World History Facts

world history facts

1.Since the end of WWI, over 1,000 people have died from leftover unexploded bombs.
2.100 million years ago, the Sahara Desert was inhabited by galloping crocodiles.
3.During the Victorian period, it was normal to photograph relatives after they died.
4.One man survived both the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and then later Nagasaki.
5.The shortest war in history lasted 38 minutes. Fought between Britain and Zanzibar, and known as the Anglo-Zanzibar War, this war occurred on August 27th, 1896. It was all over the ascension of the next Sultan in Zanzibar and resulted in a British victory.
6.Before the 19th century, dentures were made from dead soldiers’ teeth.
7.Tug of War used to be an Olympic sport. The nation to win the most medals in this was Britain with 5 (2 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze), then the USA with 3 (1 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze), while Sweden had one gold medal, France and the Netherlands had one silver medal, and Belgium won a bronze medal.
8.People were buried alive so often, that bells were attached to their coffins.
9.The term “saved by the bell” does not originate from people being buried alive.
10.George Washington didn’t have wooden teeth. It’s often said that George Washington had wooden teethHowever, this is as false as the dentures he actually wore.

world history facts

11.During a Roman Triumph, soldiers sang lewd songs about their commander to amuse the crowds.
12.Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs used their slaves as flycatchers. They would lather their slaves in honey, which would serve a dual purpose of attracting any flies to their slaves rather than themselves, as well as trapping and killing the flies.
Ancient Rome, urine was used as a mouthwash. This is because urine contains a very high ammonia content, and ammonia is one of the most powerful and readily available natural cleaners on this planet!
14.In the Victorian era, men with mustaches used special cups. As a Brit, this is probably my favorite history fact on this list! Pragmatically called “mustache cups”, these specially-made mugs had guards on them which prevented a man’s mustache from dipping into their warm cup of tea!
15.The earliest ever lottery was during the Chinese Han Dynasty between 205 – 187 BC.
16.The Roman lottery’s prizes were known and were damn savage at times.
17.Spartans were so rich that nobody had to work.
18.Spartan women-owned most of the land and wealth in Sparta.
19. The University of Oxford is older than the Aztec Empire. Mind-boggling as though it may seem, the University of Oxford first opened its doors to students all the way back in 1096.
20.The World War II army of the US is the biggest in history. Due in part to the surge of wartime patriotism, and in part because of conscription, the US Army numbered 12,000,000 soldiers by the end of the war in 1945.

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