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5 Exciting Facts About Dodgems Bumper Cars | SardarJiFactSite

Fact Of The Post

The Stoehrer brothers were the first people to put a patent on bumper cars. They called their company the Dodgem Company.


The two kids clattered together with some mighty force. One of them thought this was hilarious.

The other one… well, he was in a great deal of pain, the poor little guy.

Me and my sister shot each other a guilty glance, drove away sharpish, left the kid to be fished out by the ride attendant, and returned to his mother and his gigantic, hulking, angry-looking father.

I nearly killed a kid on the Dodgems once. No joke!

I was in a car with my kid sister, and two young kids had stalled their car in front of us.

I slammed my foot down, and my sister was screaming “Get ’em!!” like we were in some Mad Max movie, and then BUMP!

I love Dodgems – a lot. However, I only just learned why they’re called Dodgems. It’s really interesting, actually. Are you ready to find out?

Bumper Cars Facts

💪💪💪 Let's Start Reading Facts 😤😤😤

1. They were a major health and safety hazard to start with.


That might not come as some surprise given how I just said they weren’t supposed to bump into each other and they had practically barely any steering.

However, they were so flimsy they would often fall to pieces after a single collision.

Cars that got broadsided would often not be able to start up again, and sometimes occupants or pieces of the car would go flying after a bump.

The flimsy tin construction of the Dodgems also meant that they would dent with a single kick, let alone a knock from another car.

As such, hammering dents out of the body’s tin panels became a nightly practice for fairground workers, as did nailing back all the loose or missing panels.

After the Dodgems’ very first season, every last one of the cars had to be burnt as they were too far past the point of repair.

2. Bumper cars were a really big success. Like, a really big success.


Initial reviews of the Dodgems described them as being “unmanageable” due to their lack of steering.

However in their first season, the Stoehrer brothers reported crowds of 40 – 50 people consistently waiting for a go at the Dodgems – and that’s after they’d doubled the price per ride from 15 cents to 30 cents!

Crowds were a regular occurrence for the Dodgems throughout the whole summer, and the Dodgem Company managed to thrive over many summers before a next-gen bumper car design came about and took over the industry.

3. Dodgems weren’t originally supposed to crash into each other.


Now, trust me, I know what you’re thinking, that’s literally why they’re also called bumper cars!

But when they were first invented in 1920, the whole point of going on the bumper cars was to… well, not bump into other bumper cars – hence the name “Dodgems,” because you had to dodge ’em.

The Stoehrer brothers were the first dudes to put a patent on bumper cars and they called their company the Dodgem Company.

The thrill of the ride, back then, came from having to dodge your fellow riders the best you could.

4. In one place in Russia, bumping cars would get you kicked off.


Back in the day when Dodgems first started going global, it was still very much the norm to not bump into other cars.

Also, back then, grown-ups went on one set of dodgems, kids on another.

Understandably, the kids would bump each other once in a while, so there was rarely ever a penalty for kids’ collisions.

However, adults would often be told off by fairground owners.

One example of this being taken to a crazy extreme was in Russia, where adults on the bumper cars at one funfair were kicked off if they collided with another car.

5. Bumper cars weren’t originally made for steering.


A fun factor of the original bumper cars was that their lack of steering capabilities would often send them swirling around the track.

This was down to the design and construction of the first bumper cars, which had a motor underneath the car that cut down the precision of the steering.

The lack of steering didn’t put people off, mind you. If anything, it made them hungry for more.

People who loved wild rides kept coming back to the Dodgems, thrilled by the unpredictability that the poor steering gave them.

Dodgems Questions And Answers 😲😲😵

Why are they called dodgems?

Ans: But when they were first invented in 1920, the whole point of going on the bumper cars was to… well, not bump into other bumper cars – hence the name “Dodgems,” because you had to dodge 'em. The Stoehrer brothers were the first dudes to put a patent on bumper cars and they called their company the Dodgem Company.

Who invented the dodgems?

Ans: Bumper cars are sometimes known as dodgem cars because that's what the original inventors, brothers Max, and Harold Stoehrer of Massachusetts, called them. After two years of development, the brothers created the car.

Why are bumper cars so fun?

Ans: Part of the appeal of bumper cars, for adults and kids, is the ability to drive them around the arena. And part of the fun is directing them at the other participants to create the collisions that send the car spinning dizzyingly across the room.

Who created the first bumper car?

Ans: A man named Victor Levand invented the car early in the 20th century. Max and Harold Stoehrer, brothers from Massachusetts, took the concept a step further, patenting the first bumper cars in 1920. The cars became known as dodgems in other countries, after the Stoehrer brothers' original name for their attraction.

Are our bumper cars AC or DC?

Ans: In that history, it is suggested that the original Lusse cars were 110v AC and that the industry standard shifted to 90v DC.

😁😁😁 Thanks For Coming 😇😇😇





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