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12 Brief Facts About Lizards | SardarJiFactSite

Fact Of The Day

The Komodo dragon is the only type of lizard which is dangerous to humans and which is capable of causing death to humans.


Lizards are often seen in the wild, but in some countries, they are kept as pets too.

Whether you have an interest in reptiles or you’re wondering about getting a pet lizard and want to know more, there are many fun and interesting facts about lizards that will blow your mind!

Here, today we discuss the top 12 lizard Facts for Kids that might you not know.

Lizard Facts

💪💪💪 Let's Start Reading Facts 😤😤😤

1. They need sunshine.


Since lizards are cold-blooded creatures, their body temperature is susceptible to change quickly depending on the environment and surrounding temperature.

Without sunshine, lizards are not able to survive for very long.

This explains why there are no lizards in Antarctica among the most extreme cold temperatures, and why they live mainly in deserts and in southern countries.

However, lizards aren’t able to withstand the sun when it reaches its peak.

So even in the desert, they will find shade during the hottest parts of the day.

2. Lizards have several defense mechanisms.


A tail that is easily broken off is just one of the ways that a lizard can protect itself against danger.

Many lizards are born with the ability to run quickly and get away from danger, managing to escape even before a predator has the chance to grab its tail.

Other lizard species have a harsh bite or appear larger and more frightening when confronting the enemy.

Only three types of lizards have venom – the Komodo Dragon, the Gila monster, and the Mexican beaded lizard.

3. There are more than 6,000 different lizard species. 


Did you know that an iguana is a type of lizard?

Geckos and chameleons also fall into the lizard family, so while you might be used to referring to all of these as reptiles, you’d be correct in saying they are all types of lizards too.

When you start to think about all the different reptiles out there that fall into the lizard category, it’s definitely not tricky to imagine why there are thousands of them!

4. Lizards eat a varied diet.


While lizards may not drink much water throughout the day, they have a varied diet that provides them with the nutrients they need.

This often includes grass and other leafy plants, small insects such as crickets and beetles, berries, and seeds.

Some lizards, such as the dragon lizard, will eat the eggs of other smaller lizards if they find them.

5. The Komodo dragon is dangerous to humans.


The Komodo dragon is the only type of lizard which is dangerous to humans and which is capable of causing death to humans.

While you may get hurt by another type of lizard, none has the venom like a Komodo dragon.

Komodo dragons belong to Indonesia and can grow up to 10 feet in length.

One bite from this type of lizard is enough to kill a human.

6. Lizards can move their eyelids.


Humans can move their eyelids, so why would we expect other creatures to do anything differently?

In another part of the reptile family, snakes don’t have eyelids at all.

However, lizards not only have eyelids but they can move them easily and voluntarily.

This is one of the few differences between lizards and snakes.

7. There are different sizes of lizards.


Some people have seen lizards in the wild, and others keep lizards as pets.

Whether you’ve ever seen one with your own eyes or not, there are various shapes and sizes.

The size often depends on the diet of the lizard and the whereabouts it lives.

The smallest are barely a couple of inches in length, while the larger lizards can be as long as eleven feet!

8. Many lizards are kept as pets.


While the majority of the lizards in the world are living in the wild, there are hundreds of thousands of them being kept as pets.

They are generally small in size, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need a lot of care or attention.

The bearded dragon, leopard gecko, and crested gecko are among the best types of lizards to keep as pets.

You should always read about the specific type of lizard you are buying as a pet and learn the best way to care for it.

9. Lizards live almost everywhere.


Apart from Antarctica, there are no continents that are not home to some species of lizard.

They find homes in deserts, marshland areas, and forests.

Many of them live on the ground, in trees, under and around rocks, and within holes and bogs which they often create for themselves.

10. The tail of a lizard isn’t very strong.


At first, it may seem like this is a bad thing.

However, some lizards have tails that are designed to be weak to quickly lose a predator.

Other animals will generally grab a smaller animal by its tail, so a lizard can get away and break free without causing excessive damage.

Furthermore, a lizard can grow its tail back if it is broken off.

A lizard’s tail acts as a defense mechanism against predators and anything seeking to hurt it.

11. Some lizards can change color.


One of the appealing things about lizards is their ability to change color.

This is what makes chameleons, a type of lizard, so interesting and attractive for pet owners.

The anole lizard, for example, can be kept as a pet and can change its color from bright green to red and then to brown – all to fit in with its surroundings or send out a signal to its mate.

12. Lizards don’t need to be near water.


Many types of lizards do not need to be close to the water to survive, since they will often absorb all the water they need from their food.

Some lizards can go their entire life without drinking any water at all.

That’s one of the reasons why many of them live near the desert, while others live near ponds and other bodies of water.

When there is no water, lizards retain the water which is already in their bodies and instead lose salts through their skin.

Lizards Trivia Questions With Answers 😲😲😵

What can Lizards do?

Ans: Lizards are mainly carnivorous, often being sit-and-wait predators; many smaller species eat insects, while the Komodo eats mammals as big as water buffalo. Lizards make use of a variety of antipredator adaptations, including venom, camouflage, reflex bleeding, and the ability to sacrifice and regrow their tails.

How much do lizards sleep?

Ans: Although some lizards and humans share similar sleep stages, the length of those cycles is not the same. A fast sleep cycle for a lizard is 80 seconds. For a house cat, it's 30 minutes and for humans, it's 60 to 90 minutes.

Do lizards drink water?

Ans: Yes, lizards drink water. The idea that they absorb water through their skin seems to have been overturned. Some lizards drink water by lapping it into their mouths: Source.

How do lizards see humans?

Ans: In contrast to snakes, which largely experience the world through smell and taste, lizards are more visually oriented creatures. A review of the evidence shows that most lizards can see color better than humans can; some will use color to communicate and make decisions, and some can even see colors in very dim light.

Do lizards drink milk?

Ans: leaves

Most lizards slept on leaves, with their heads directed towards the potential path of a predator approaching from the plant base. There was no inter-specific competition in the choices of sleeping perches.

😁😁😁 Thanks For Coming 😇😇😇





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