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Top Remarkable Facts About The Zebrafish | SardarJiFactSite

Fact Of The Day

Zebrafish are tropical freshwater fish native to the Himalayan Region. They tend to live in shallow ponds & standing waters.


They are popular aquarium fish as they are robust and hardy, as well as pretty on the eyes.

Zebrafish are tropical freshwater fish that are part of the minnow family.

💪💪💪 Let's start the discussion 😤😤😤

Zebrafish and science.


Zebrafish are also highly used within modern medical and scientific research.

One such example of this comes from early 2007 when a team of Chinese researchers genetically modified Zebrafish in order to use them as estrogen markers – the Zebrafish would turn green if in water contaminated with estrogen!

This helped them identify the extent of estrogen pollution in lakes and rivers around the Fudan area of China, thus linking as the cause of male infertility in these areas.

The reason that Zebrafish are so adept for use within medical research is due to several of their genetic factors.

These factors include such things as their short lifespan and the transparency of their embryos.

Many different mutations that disrupt embryonic development have been isolated in Zebrafish as many of these mutations serve as models for human diseases.

This means that we will be able to more closely understand the genetic network controlling the development of vertebrates, including humans.

The Zebrafish has been used in scientific research moving towards the development of a cure or form of prevention for cancer, melanoma, and cardiovascular disease.

On top of this, they have also helped unlock new areas of science within the field of repairing retinal damage and helping bolster the human immune system.

Zebrafish characteristics.


Native to the Himalayan Region, zebrafish are naturally found to shoal fish and tend to live in shallow ponds and standing waters.

They’re often the most abundant fish in the waters they inhabit.

It is an omnivore, eating many different things from mud and sand, insects and arachnids, plants and algae to fish scales and even rubbish.

Zebrafish have 25 chromosomes and their genome consists of about 1.5 x 10 billion base pairs, compared with mammalian genome sizes of about 3 x 10 billion base pairs.

This is rather incredible as they are such a small organism compared to many of the mammalian organisms out there.

Zebrafish Trivia Questions And Answers 😲😲😵


What is special about zebrafish?

Ans: Because of its fully sequenced genome, easy genetic manipulation, high fecundity, external fertilization, rapid development, and nearly transparent embryo, zebrafish are a unique model animal for biomedical research, including studies of biological processes and human diseases.

How long does a zebrafish live?

Ans: In captivity, zebrafish can live over 5 years, however generally they live for 2 to 3 years, and grow up to about 65 mm long. They are an omnivore, feeding on the small organisms found in the slow-moving waterways where they favor living.

What does the zebra fish eat?

Ans: Zebrafish are omnivorous, primarily eating zooplankton and insects, although they can eat a variety of other foods, such as worms, small crustaceans, or algae.

Do zebrafish eat their babies?

Ans: Yes, besides eating their own eggs, Danios can eat their babies as well. Therefore, you should remove and separate the parent fish from its offspring after spawning.

Are zebrafish poisonous?

Ans: The distinctive saltwater zebra fishes (Pterois), used in marine aquariums, have extremely large pectoral fins, numerous extremely poisonous spines, and colorful vertical stripes.

So, while the Zebrafish is incredibly pleasing to the eye and would make a wonderful addition to your tropical fish tank, they are also key to scientific research.

What a remarkable little fella. I wonder what else we will find out about them in the future.

😁😁😁 Thanks For Coming 😇😇😇





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