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Best 30 Insane Facts About Pablo Picasso | SardarJiFactSite

 Fact Of The Day

When Pablo Picasso died in 1973, he was the richest artist in history.


This impressive creator was producing incredible works from a young age, up until his passing.

Pablo Picasso is among the most renowned artists in the world.

Some of his paintings are certainly very bizarre and abstract, which sets him apart from everyone else who tries to wield a paintbrush.

Let's talk about the 30 insane facts about this illustrious painter!

1.This artist achieved a lot while he was 13. It was at this age that Picasso also had his first exhibition in the back of an umbrella shop.

2.One of his better-known portraits titled “First Communion,” was done when Picasso was only 15 years old.

3.As a teen, his younger sister who was seven passed away due to diphtheria. After this, he and his family moved to Barcelona.

4.The first job Picasso ever had was working for an art dealer named Pere Menach.

5.This famous painter was born on October 25, 1881, in Malaga, Spain.

6.While most refer to him just as Picasso, his full name was actually 23 words: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso. These names all come from a list of saints and relatives.

7.When Picasso was born, he was so small that the nurse thought he was stillborn and left him to take care of his mother. Luckily, his uncle ended up noticing and saved him from dying.

8.Fittingly enough, Picasso’s first word was “lapis” which is Spanish for pencil.

9.His father, also being an artist, started teaching Picasso art when he was seven years old.

10.When he was nine years old, Picasso completed his first painting. It was titled “Le Picador” and composition is a man riding a horse into a bullfight.

11.When Picasso was 13 years old, his father quit painting because he thought his son was already a better painter than himself.

12.Picasso was accepted to the School of Fine Arts at 13, where he completed his entrance exams in just one week – a feat which took most students one month.

13.Picasso was known for being quite the ladies’ man – he had four children by three women, and was married twice.

14.On top of this, he had many mistresses. His requirement for them was that they had to be submissive, and they had to be shorter than he was – he stood at just 5 feet, 4 inches.

15.Picasso is regarded as the inventor of the modern art movement known as Cubism, which is a style that reduces subjects to geometric forms.


16.Along with painting, Picasso was also a sculptor, ceramicist, stage designer, poet, playwright, and print write.

17.Apparently, Picasso would tend to carry around a pistol that he loaded with blanks. He would use it to fire at people that he thought were boring or anyone who insulted Cézanne, who was a French artist and impressionist.

18.While Germany was occupying Paris in World War ll, Picasso’s paintings were banned by the Nazis because they thought they didn’t follow the rules of art.

19.Pablo Picasso was a communist.

20.More of Picasso’s paintings have been stolen over any other artist.

21.Impressively enough, Picasso holds a world record for most pieces of art created by one person. Over 78 years, he produced over 13,500 paintings or designs, 100,000 prints or engravings, 34,000 book illustrations, and 300 sculptures or ceramics. This brings the grand total to over 147,800 pieces of art.

22.That’s not the only record he’s set – the most expensive painting ever sold was Picasso’s “Women of Algiers” piece which sold in 2015 for 179.3 million dollars!

23.Interestingly enough, Picasso loved pets! During his lifetime, he owned a mouse, turtle, monkey, and a few cats and dogs.

24.Picasso’s final words were “Drink to me, drink to my health. You know I can’t drink anymore.”

25.When Picasso died, he was the richest artist in history.

26.Picasso died on April 8, 1973, in Mougins, France due to pulmonary edema and heart failure.

27.Picasso didn’t have a will, so when he died, his estate tax was paid to the French in the form of his paintings.

28.After Picasso died, his wife, Jacqueline Roque, was so devastated and lonely that she killed herself 13 years later by gunshot.

29.That’s not the only casualty of Picasso’s death – Jacqueline didn’t allow Picasso’s grandson, Claude, to go to the funeral due to an argument over the distribution of Picasso’s estate. Because of this, Claude drank a bottle of bleach but it took three months for him to die.

30.One of Picasso’s most famous quotes is “Art is the lie that allows us to understand the truth.”

People Also Ask


Q.1:What is Picasso's style of art known as?

Ans: Cubism. Cubism was an artistic style pioneered by Picasso and his friend and fellow painter Georges Braque.

Q.2:What was Picasso's net worth when he died?

Ans: According to a court-appointed auditor who has been charged with evaluating every asset in the late artist's estate, at the time of his death Pablo Picasso's net worth was between $100 and $250 million. That's equal to $530 million to $1.3 billion today, after adjusting for inflation.

Q.3:What age did Picasso die?

Ans:91 years (1881–1973)

MOUGINS, France, April 8—Pablo Picasso, the titan of 20th‐century art, died this morning at his hilltop villa of Notre Dame de Vie here. He was 91 years old.
Q.4:Why is Picasso's art so expensive?
Ans: Picasso's masterpieces are now in short supply and therefore getting increasingly expensive. This is especially true for paintings from his “Blue” and “Rose” periods, early Cubist works, and pieces that are intimately linked to the artist's private life.
Q.5:Who is the richest painter in the world?
Ans: Damien Hirst
Damien Hirst – Net Worth $1 Billion. Damien Hirst is an English artist, art collector, and entrepreneur, grossing the highest net worth of $ 1 billion and making him the current richest artist.


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