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Top 7 Health Benefits Of Swimming | SardarJiFactSite

 Fact Of The Day

Swimming as a regular form of exercise is a great way of keeping the heart and blood happy in your body.


It is beneficial for your body – you can get fit, ease back into fitness after an injury and you can swim while pregnant!

There are so many amazing benefits of swimming, health-related and other.

Here, Today we keep reading these 7 health benefits of regular swimming.

1. Swimming is a great way of spending time together as a family.


Swimming with your family can help keep us happy and positive.

It often makes people feel relaxed and calm, while also making them feel full of energy – so is a great stress reliever.

It is an amazing exercise for both adults and children alike and is a fun way of introducing positive exercise into a child’s life.

Swimming releases a chemical in the body called endorphins, which make us happy and improve our mood.

2. Swimming is good for your joints.


When you are recovering from an injury, or your joints can’t take the high-impact strain, swimming is a great low-impact way of still moving and staying active.

It can be a way of easing the body back into exercise as the water eases the pain and allows the joints to move more freely.

When the body is less physically able, swimming is a good way of easing the discomfort of moving the joints and muscles, and sometimes can ease the pain caused by the joints.

3. Swimming is good for asthma sufferers.


The moist, warm air inside an indoor swimming pool will often help relieve exercise-induced symptoms – rather than harsh, outside air or dry air in a gym environment.

Swimming has been shown to improve asthma in many sufferers long-term, and regular swimming is even better for it.

65 adults who had mild asthma took part in a study in the Scientific World Journal in 2007; they reported having better lung function and reduced airway reactivity, after six months.

4. Swimming keeps your heart happy & healthy.


Being regularly active can reduce the chances of getting cardiovascular disease, and swimming is a very accessible-for-all way of staying active.

Swimming can help your blood flow around your body better and strengthens the heart.

It has been shown to reduce the blood sugar levels in the body and has been proven to reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

Using swimming as a regular form of exercise is a great way of keeping the and blood happy in the body. 

5. Swimming is a great way to exercise while pregnant.


Swimming is a good way to exercise gently while pregnant.

It does not cause strain on the baby, and due to our body weight in the water, it is much easier to move while under the water.

Swimming is known to be beneficial in helping relieve the body of aches and pains associated with being pregnant and can help tighten the abdominal muscles.

The water supports in body’s increased weight under the water and eases the strain on the spine and back muscles.

6. Swimming helps to cool the body down.


Sweating and hot weather can often put people off exercise.

If your body is prone to over-heating, especially during exercise, swimming is a good way of getting active but staying cool.

The water temperature can be calming for the body and relax the muscles.

It will cool your body temperature and help keep your skin cool.

If you are worried about sweating, the pool will keep your body temperature at a cool level and avoid any unwanted sweat.

Swimming is a very versatile way for the young, elderly, and everyone in between to be able to get fit and healthy together.

Your heart health can improve as well as your general health. Go try swimming out for yourself, and reap the benefits!

7. It’s a full-body workout!


Swimming uses lots of different muscles, from the lower body to the upper body.

30 minutes of swimming can burn up to 200 calories, so it is proven to be a great way of getting exercise into your routine.

It improves the body’s muscular strength and cardiovascular system.

Swimming is a good way of staying fit and healthy and helping to lose weight.

It’s a great stamina builder and is a good way of improving the body’s endurance levels.

People Also Ask


Q.1: Is it OK to swim every day?

Ans: Can You Swim Every Day? Absolutely! You can swim seven days a week, 365 days a year – and I know some people who do this!

Q.2: Can swimming burn belly fat?

Ans: Swimming cardio is one of the most effective ways to lose weight including your belly fat. This requires you to keep swimming for 15-20 minutes at a time while maintaining your heart rate levels in the particular zone that we call – fat-burning zone.

Q.3: How many laps in a pool is a good workout?

Ans: If you want to get in a good swim workout in about 30 minutes, you should be swimming at least 20 to 30 laps as a beginner, roughly 40 to 50 laps as an intermediate swimmer, and about 60 laps or more as an advanced swimmer.

Q.4: Does swimming change body shape?

Ans: Does swimming change your body shape? Yes, swimming definitely changes your body shape. The more you swim the more will your body become unrecognizable, even to yourself. ... Back: Swimming, especially when you do the backstroke, will work wonders for your back muscles.

Q.5: Should I shower after swimming?

Ans: Showering after swimming is equally important. Post-swim showers help prevent and reduce your chances of contracting recreational water illnesses. They remove any contaminants that your skin came in contact with while you were in the pool. It also removes chlorine, chloramines, and bacteria from the body


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