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10 Great Facts About Black Adam | SardarJiFactSite

Fact Of The Post

Dwayne Johnson Named to Play Black Adam 11 Years Ago.

black adam facts

Black Adam (Teth/Theo-Adam) is a fictional antihero character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics

He is a superhero with the abilities like Hercules' strength, Atlas' stamina, Zeus' might, Achilles' courage, and Mercury's speed and strength to defeat his enemies.

Black Adam is different from most other superheroes with his magical skills and abilities.

Here, we are going to read the top ten unusual facts about Iron Man that you should.

Facts about Black Adam

💪💪💪Let's Start Reading These Facts😤😤😤

1. Black Adam Died In His Debut By Dudley!

black adam death

In The Marvel Family #1 published in 1945, Black Adam lost and died. Interestingly, Black Adam lost to Shazam’s manager, Dudley. Even if he got no superpower, Dudley managed to defeat Shazam’s biggest enemy.

How did Dudley beat him? Dudley tricks Black Adam by claiming that he is a member of The Marvel Family by shouting “Shamhaz” not “Shazam.” Black Adam corrects him and said the word “Shazam.”  Black Adam returns to his original form, a 5000 years old man. This gives Dudley to beat Shazam.

2. Black Adam Killed So Many Superheroes And People In Comic World.

No matter how powerful or evil a supervillain is, they have a habit of keeping their victims alive. How many times has the Joker captured Batman but refused to slit his throat because he wanted to taunt the Dark Knight?

Black Adam, on the other hand, finds executions to be a more effective solution when dealing with his enemies. He has personally killed Terra of the Teen Titans, Frankenstein's Monster, Terra-Man, Noose, his brother, his father, Sobek, Kobra, Intergang members, and Billy Batson's parents.

Over the years, his deaths have become iconic due to their over-the-top brutality. During Infinite Crisis, he slew Psycho-Pirate by poking his fingers through his eyes and ripping his face off. Even when Adam was depowered, he still managed to slaughter a frickin' yeti!

However, Adam's most horrific murder streak occurred after his wife, Isis, was murdered by Sivana's agent, Azeez. When Azeez fled to the peaceful nation of Bialya, Adam was so desperate for vengeance, that he laid waste to the entire country, killing two million civilians in the process. Adam may have avenged his wife but he turned himself into a genocidal mass murderer in the process.

3. Dwayne Johnson Named to Play Black Adam 11 Years Ago, Can You Believe This.

dwayne johnson

Dwayne Johnson confirmed that he will play the new anti-hero in DC. he will play the main character and the opponent of Zachary Levi that plays Shazam. But people have been naming Dwayne Johnson to play Black Adam since 2009. That finally came to the realization in 2014 and was officially announced in August 2020.

4. Black Adam Was Married.

Although he is often seen causing chaos in the comic book, Black Adam is quite romantic. In the comic book, Black Adam fell in love with a beautiful lady named Isis. he turns into a softer man when he is with Isis.

Black Adam loves Isis so much that he decided to marry her. Reportedly, Isis will appear in the film too. Maybe we will see the two characters set up a romantic mood in the film.

5. Black Adam Almost started world war 3.

black adam started war

After the funeral in honor of his family, Adam attacks the neighboring Intergang-associated nation of Bialya in search of Death. Sick with grief over the death of his family, Adam proceeds to exterminate the entire 2,000,000-citizen population of Bialya in his hunt for his target. Upon confronting his family's killer, the enraged Adam battles a greatly enhanced Death, who has been feeding on the slaughter of Bialya's population. Despite his enhanced strength, Death is defeated by Adam with a barrage of mystic lightning. While torturing Death for an entire day, Adam learns the identity and whereabouts of the Horsemen's masters, flying off to Oolong Island in search of the Science Squad.

He easily gets past their defenses, even a weapon equivalent to the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs proving incapable of stopping him. Adam is subdued by the scientists, who projected a dimensional field into his mind the size of a football field, rendering him powerless. They then use an electro-crown to re-route his body's impulses and hold him as a prisoner. Dr. Sivana tortures Adam for weeks using the electrical crown, which only serves to enrage Adam further, who vows to tear them all apart.

The "Science Squad" makes a worldwide announcement that they plan to sell Black Adam as a living weapon to the highest bidder, resulting in the Justice Society assaulting the island to free Adam. It is revealed that Chang Tzu had built the Horsemen under the orders of China, who wanted Adam and his family to be assassinated after Adam withdrew from the Freedom of Power Treaty. Adam refuses to be taken into custody for the destruction of Bialya, despite the requests of Atom-Smasher, once more flying off to seek revenge for the death of his family.

6. Black Adam One of DC Comics’ Strongest Villains.

DC is known for its dark world full of powerful superheroes and villains. Black Adam is one of the strongest villains ever in DC Comics history. Black Adam’s power source is similar to Shazam, which originated from the six Egyptian gods represented by letters that form the word “SHAZAM.” The word may sound the same but the word used by Black Adam represents different gods, Shu for stamina, Hery for swiftness, Amon for strength, Zehuti for wisdom, Aton for power, and Mehen for courage.

7. Black Adam Is Immune to Telepathy.

black adam

Black Adam can level a building with his strength. Superman or Shazam can’t easily beat him. But what if Black Adam is attacked using telepathy? Even Superman can’t withstand the telepathy launched by Maxwell Lord and Poison Ivy. Martian Manhunter failed to takedown Black Adam with telepathy.

8. Black Adam Also Once Was The Member of the Justice Society of America.

Justice Society of America may not be as popular as Justice League or Suicide Squad. But in the comics, several members of the group got a unique story. The group often made changes to its members, including Black Adam who once joined the group.

It’s rumored that the Justice Society of America is introduced in Black Adam. some of the confirmed members are Hawkman, one of the founders of the Justice Society of America. Doctor Fate, a powerful wizard, Maxine Hunkel or Cyclone, and Atom Smasher, Al Pratt’s stepson. Atom during the golden era.

9. Mary Marvel Once Obtained Black Adam’s Powers.

mary marvel

When the wizards died (temporarily), every member of The Marvel Family returns to their original human form. They are annoyed by the event, but it’s even worse for Mary Batson or May Marvel. After turning into a normal human, she left for Gotham and met Black Adam who still mourns over his wife’s death. Black Adam believed that his power is a curse so he passes for Maria.

Unfortunately, Black Adam’s evil nature affects Maria and turns her against her allies.

10. Origin Of Black Adam In DC Comics.

Teth-Adam was born on September 11, 1279 BC. Teth-Adam is the son of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II and impresses one of the high priests, the wizard Shazam, with his good deeds. The wizard gives Teth-Adam the power to become the superhero, Mighty Adam, by speaking the name "Shazam," an acronym for Mighty Adam's powers: the stamina of Shu, the swiftness of Heru (Horus), the strength of Amon, the wisdom of Zehuti (Thoth), the power of Aton, and the courage of Mehen.

Black Adam Questions Answered 😲😲😵

black adam questions

Is Black Adam a God?

Black Adam is depicted as someone with god-like abilities, granted to him in the same way that Shazam got his powers. He comes from a civilization that existed 5,000 years ago but was eventually destroyed due to the corruption of his powers.

Is Black Adam a villain?

The character first appeared in DC comic books in the 1940s, initially as a power-hungry villain before gradually evolving into an anti-hero by the 2000s. According to the description given by DC Comics, "Black Adam is an ancient wielder of magic, both a hero and a villain over his thousands-years-long life.

What is Black Adam's weakness?

Weaknesses. Magical Vulnerability: Only significant magic can affect him. Lightning: Lightning attacks that cause damage and can cause Black Adam to revert back to Theo Adam.

How powerful is Black Adam?

Those are pretty self-explanatory, but Black Adam gets his powers from a different pantheon. For Black Adam, the magic word of Shazam stands for the Stamina of Shu, the swiftness of Heru, the strength of Amon, the wisdom of Zehuti, the power of Aton, and the courage of Mehen.

Is Black Adam stronger than Shazam?

Black Adam's power levels are stronger than SHAZAM!'s. He has been depicted as strong enough to take on the Justice League, Justice Society, and most of the DC Universe. The power of six Egyptian gods grants him different abilities.

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