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10 Top Secret Facts About Mona Lisa Painting | SardarJiFactSite

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Did you know that the famous Mona Lisa painting has only been stolen once?

mona lisa facts

It is unknown why the mystery of the Mona Lisa's smile encapsulates so many, but it will most likely continue to amaze generations to come.

It has attracted people’s attention for hundreds of years and since being on display in Le Louvre it has drawn guests from all across the world to admire it in real life.

The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci is possibly the world’s most famous and recognized painting.

But why are we so obsessive over one painting? What is it about the Mona Lisa's smile that draws the attention of thousands of people?

Here, we are going to share 5 fascinating facts about the Mona Lisa that will leave you wanting to know more, or even see it for yourself.

Mona Lisa Painting Facts

💪💪💪 Let's Start Reading These Facts 😤😤😤

1. The Mona Lisa has only been stolen once.

mona lisa stolen once

The Mona Lisa has been passed from one owner to another throughout the years, but it has only ever been stolen once.

This was on August 21, 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen from its permanent resting place in Le Louvre, Paris, France.

The theft was discovered the morning after it was suspected to have been taken.

The theft remained a mystery for 2 years, as it was difficult to track down where she had gone.

As a result, journalists and the media created huge campaigns to make sure the Mona Lisa smile was imprinted on the public’s minds to make sure everyone was on the lookout.

It wasn’t until November 1913 in Florence that the Mona Lisa was found.

The painting had been offered to art dealer Alfredo Geri, by a man named Vincenzo Peruggia.

Geri accepted the offer and notified the police so it could be returned to Le Louvre.

2. Mona Lisa stole the hearts of many men, even after her death!

The painting that is Mona Lisa, captivated the hearts of many men, some of which died for her.

For a small painting, it has influenced the course of history and the lives of many men.

Napoleon once had the painting hanging on his palace bedroom wall for around 4 years.

It is said that he found her so captivating that he embarked on a mission to find an Italian woman to marry.

His affection for her led him to marry Teresa Guadagni who was a descendant of Lisa Gherardini.

As well as men trying to find lookalikes or relatives to her, men died for her.

In 1852 Luc Maspero, a Parisian artist threw himself from the fourth floor of a hotel in Paris because of his love and confusion with the Mona Lisa

His suicide note read: “For years I have grappled desperately with her smile. I prefer to die.

Again in 1910 a man, encapsulated by her smile, made sure to shoot himself in front of her painting, so he could admire her smile as he died.

3. The Mona Lisa painting is only 30 inches tall.

mona lisa painting dimensions

Although the Mona Lisa is one of the world’s most famous paintings, it’s also one of the world’s smallest.

When visitors travel afar to see the Mona Lisa, quite often they are expecting a largely epic painting but the painting is only 30 x 20 Inches (77 x 53 centimeters).

This is partially to do with our ability to view things online before seeing them in person.

This ability means that we end up looking at the painting out of context, which leads to us making assumptions about its size.

4. Mona Lisa has her own mailing box.

Over the years many people have been captivated by the mysterious persona of “Mona Lisa” and this has given much attention to her portrait.

So much so, that a personal mailbox was set up for her in Le Louvre.

Although she is no longer alive and hasn’t been for many years, she still receives love notes, poems, and flowers.

There we so many that the gallery set up a post box to receive all these gifts.

5. Did you know that “Mona Lisa” is not her real name?

mona lisa real name

This might sound like a hoax, but really it isn’t her name.

It is thought that the lady displayed in the painting was Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy Italian man named Francesco del Giocondo.

History indicates that he commissioned the work to Leonardo Da Vinci in 1503.

The piece was titled Mona Lisa, which roughly translates to mean “My lady Lisa”, but it was never completed.

Da Vinci died in 1516, therefore the painting was handed to his assistant, having not finished the painting himself before his death.

It is unsure exactly who is in the portrait, this is just one of many theories.

6. Her eyebrows are a matter of debate.

Some claim the subject's lack of eyebrows is representative of the high-class fashion of the time. Others insist her AWOL eyebrows are proof that Mona Lisa is an unfinished masterpiece. 
But in 2007 ultra-detailed digital scans of the painting revealed da Vinci had once painted on eyebrows and bolder eyelashes. Both had simply faded over time or had fallen victim to years of restoration work.

7. The Mona Lisa is essentially priceless.

mona lisa painting price
In the 1960s, the painting went on a tour where it was given an insurance valuation of $100 million (factoring in inflation, a more recent assessment estimated it's worth $2.5 billion). But the policy was never taken out because the premiums were more than the cost of the best security.

8. The Mona Lisa has been attacked!

If you look closely at the subject's left elbow, you might notice the damage done by Ugo Ungaza Villegas, a Bolivian who chucked a rock at the portrait in 1956. A few months before, another art attacker pitched acid at the painting, which hit the lower section. These attacks inspired the bulletproof glass, which in 2009 successfully rebuffed a ceramic mug hurled by an enraged Russian woman who'd been denied French citizenship.

9. The Mona Lisa's return inspired a fashion trend.

mona lisa inspired fashion
In her book Mona Lisa: A Life Discovered, journalist Dianne Hales writes, "Society women adopted the 'La Joconde look' [named for the painting's French title], dusting yellow powder on their faces and necks to suggest her golden complexion and immobilizing their facial muscles to mimic her smile. In Parisian cabarets, dancers dressed as La Joconde performed a saucy can-can … Something beyond the painting's wild popularity had changed. The Mona Lisa had left the Louvre a work of art; she returned as public property, the first mass art icon."

10. Mona Lisa's smile doesn't change, but your mindset does.

That is-she-or-isn't-she smile has long fascinated artists and historians. But in 2000, Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Margaret Livingstone applied a scientific method to why Mona Lisa's smile seemed to shift. It's all about where your focus is and how your brain responds.

Mona Lisa Related Questions And Answers 😲😲😵

mona lisa painting

Why is the Mona Lisa so special?

Ans: The Mona Lisa's Smile
Da Vinci used optical illusion to create a unique smile through perspective and shadow work. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in such a way that the eyes of the Mona Lisa fall directly into the viewer's focus, while the lips fall just below the periphery of vision.

Why Mona Lisa has no eyebrows?

Ans: Because it was the fashion in the Renaissance to shave them. Women shaved their facial hair, including their eyebrows, then. Leonardo was an Italian, but he sold the painting to the king of France. Today, it is in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

How many times has the Mona Lisa been stolen?

Ans: To look back on this unusual art-historical lineage, ARTnews has charted below five times in which the Mona Lisa was vandalized or stolen.

What is under the Mona Lisa?

Ans: A new study on the Mona Lisa has revealed evidence of a charcoal underdrawing, suggesting for the first time that Leonardo da Vinci used a preparatory sketch to create the famous portrait.

How much does the Mona Lisa cost in 2022?

Ans: Mona Lisa ($860 Million).

😁😁😁 Thanks For Coming 😇😇😇
Source: Wikipedia
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