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11 Refreshing Coca-Cola Facts And Myths (10 Minutes Read) - SardarJiFactSite

Fact Of The Post

Coca-Cola is unofficially available in every country in the world.

coca-cola facts and history

Coca-Cola is one of the most recognized brands in the world! On a hot summer day, it’s one of the most refreshing drinks to crack open.

From humble beginnings to now being available around the globe, this company has grown fast.

Here, we are going to read the top 11 fizzy coca-cola facts that might you not about it.

Coca-Cola Facts And History

💪💪💪Let's Start Reading These Facts😤😤😤

1. Coca-Cola translates perfectly to Chinese.

facts about coca-cola

China is a difficult market to adjust to. When Coca-Cola was ready to import to China, they had to find a name that fits with the majority of dialects and languages spoken there.

Originally, they went with “Kekoukela” which sounds similar phonetically, but in certain dialects, translates to “bite the wax tadpole” or “female horse stuffed with wax.”

After further research, they found a name very similar to their original choice which went over perfectly.

Not many brands translate over quite as smoothly as this Coke translation doe. In China, Coca-Cola is hereon called “Kekoukele” which means “tasty fun.”

2. Coca-Cola at McDonald’s tastes the best.

Similar to how Guinness tastes better in Ireland, Coca-Cola on tap at McDonald’s is apparently the best place to get Coke.

There are multiple reasons for this! First of all, Coke syrup is delivered to McDonald’s in stainless steel containers. The steel preserves the syrup better than plastic bags which are what other soda syrups are distributed in.

The syrup is kept circulating through chilled insulated tubes, while the carbonated water is kept between 33 to 38 degrees.

The ratio of chilled Coke syrup to carbonated water is based on how much ice melts in a drink over time, so no worries about your ice watering down your Coke!

On top of all of this, they have one of the best water filtrations systems out there. Pure water means pure Coca-Cola!

3. Coca-Cola made a special “White Coke” for World War II.

important facts of coca-cola

Coke wanted fighting soldiers to be able to have a taste of home, so they opened bottling plants near Europe.

However, it could be problematic for a non-American to be seen drinking Coca-Cola because it became synonymous with America.

It was especially an issue in the Soviet Union as it was seen as a symbol of American imperialism.

Marshal Zhukov, a prominent figure of the Soviet Union, was a fan of the soda but didn’t want to be seen consuming it.

He made an appeal to Coca-Cola to make a clear version of the drink which ended up being successful.

A chemist at the Austrian bottling plant removed the coloring from Coke. From then it was bottled in clear glass with a white cap and a red star.

Importing goods into a Soviet occupation zone typically took weeks to be cleared by authorities, however, Coca-Cola shipments were never stopped.

4. Coca-Cola didn’t exactly have cocaine in its original recipe.

Some people are unsure if this was a fact or a myth, but this one is sort of in-between.

Coca-Cola never explicitly put pure cocaine into their drinks, but they did use significant amounts of coca leaf.

The recipe called for five ounces of coca leaf per gallon of syrup.

Each glass of Coca-Cola contained an estimated 9 milligrams of cocaine per glass. For perspective, an average “dose” of cocaine is about 50-75 milligrams.

Either way, it was removed in 1905 entirely.

These days, Coca-Cola uses cocaine-free coca leaf extract instead.

5. There are at least 16 different flavors of Coca-Cola.

different flavors of coca-cola

Many of these flavors are also available in Diet or Coke Zero forms.

Not all of the flavors are available worldwide, or even available at all anymore!

Some of the lesser-known and not-so-successful flavors are products such as New Coke, Coca-Cola Orange, and Coca-Cola Blak which was a coffee-flavored version.

Coca-Cola Blak was short-lived with a lifespan from 2006-to 2008 and it was only available in seven countries.

However, Coca-Cola has mentioned plans to release another coffee-related product in the future.

6. The famous bottle was originally shaped like a cocoa bean.

While Candler was undeniably a better businessman than Pemberton, he made one significant misstep. At the turn of the century, Coca-Cola was usually sold at pharmacies and drug stores as a fountain drink. When bottlers approached Candler to see if he’d be interested in allowing them to distribute it in glass containers, Candler thought so little of the idea he allowed them to package the drink for a fee of just one dollar.

His inadvertent generosity proved profitable for bottlers across the country, including rival sodas: So many knock-off brands appeared that consumers had trouble telling them apart from the real thing. To alleviate the problem, Coke advised bottling partners to try and come up with a design that could be recognized by feel as someone dipped their hands into an icebox. A bottling plant in Indiana designed a chunky glass container shaped like a cocoa bean in 1916. 

They didn’t know Coca-Cola contained no actual cocoa. (It used coca, which contained trace amounts of cocaine until the company removed it circa 1900.) Still, the bottle became iconic, and Candler went out on a high note: After leaving the company that same year, he became mayor of Atlanta.

7. Coca-Cola is unofficially available in every country in the world.

available in every country in the world

Except for North Korea and Cuba, you can easily find Coca-Cola in every country in the world!

When it comes to those two other countries, however, it is reportedly a “grey import” in North Korea and Cuba.

This just means that Coca-Cola is imported from another country without the direct permission of The Coca-Cola Company.

8. Coke was invented by a pharmacist.

John Pemberton has certainly left behind a legacy. Pemberton was wounded in one of the last Civil War battles, at which point he developed an addiction to morphine while in recovery.

His original invention was an alcoholic beverage called “Pemberton’s French Wine Coca” which was a recipe that mixed cocoa, kola nut, and damiana.

It was meant to be an alternative pain-killer to morphine.

Wanting to make a more marketable product, Coca-Cola was invented as a way of making a non-alcoholic form of his previously sold wine coca.

As Pemberton was testing different concoctions for his new non-alcoholic medicine, he accidentally blended the base syrup with carbonated water.

It was at this point that Pemberton decided to sell his final product as a fountain drink instead of medicine.

9. The cans were invented for soldiers.

cans for soldiers

The only thing more pervasive than Coke’s distinctive bottles are its aluminum pull-top cans, which were born out of necessity: The company came up with them so they could be shipped to armed forces overseas. 

While practical, the materials needed were rationed during World War II and the company couldn’t produce them for troops until the conflict ended. Convenient and easily distributed, Coca-Cola began offering them to civilian customers in 1960.

10. A glass of Coca-Cola stayed at 5 cents for over 70 years.

From 1886 to 1959, a 6.5 glass or bottle of Coca-Cola was just 5 cents.

They were able to keep their product at such a low price due to bottling contracts, advertising, vending machines, and a low rate of inflation.

The owner of Coke sold the bottling rights for just one dollar, which they never even collected. This was because Coke thought bottling would never take off, and the contract mistakenly had no expiration date.

As the sustainability of selling a 5-cent glass of Coke became less sustainable, Coke even pleaded to the U.S. Treasury to mint a 7.5-cent coin in place of the 5-cent coin.

They even would purposely leave some of their vending machine slots empty so that patrons would have to put in two nickels to get a Coke.

Once inflation started rising, Coca-Cola phased out its 5-cent advertisements in the early ’50s, and by 1959 the last bottle of 5-cent Coke had been sold.

11. The logo is red because of old tax laws.

logo is red because of old tax laws

John Stith Pemberton, who created Coke in 1886, had originally billed the soda as a "temperance" drink, or an alternative to alcohol. And because alcohol was heavily taxed in the 19th century, Coca-Cola wanted to make sure its (non-alcoholic) drink wasn't subject to those taxes.

"We began painting our barrels red so that tax agents could distinguish them from alcohol during transport," a Coca-Cola spokesperson told Business Insider. The bright color is still an easy way for fans to recognize Coke cans and bottles today.

Coca-Cola Company Trivia Questions And Answers 😲😲😵

coca cola facts

How many Cokes are drunk every second?

White coke was invented for a Russian general. More than 10,000 Coca-Cola soft drinks are consumed globally per second.

Why is the Coca-Cola logo red?

The iconic red of Coca-Cola is easy to spot — but few people know why the color was chosen. According to the company, the barrels of bottles were originally painted red so tax agents could distinguish them from alcohol during transport.

How did Coca-Cola get its name?

Coca-Cola's history has been well-documented. The drink was invented in 1885 by John Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia, who made the original formula in his backyard. Pemberton's recipe contained cocaine in the form of an extract of the coca leaf, which inspired the “Coca” part of the beverage's name.

What Coke does do to your stomach?

Acid from a soda can irritate the stomach lining, and cause heartburn and acid reflux.

Why is Coke so tasty?

Typically, restaurants get their soda syrups in plastic bags, but Coca-Cola does something different for McDonald's. The fast-food chain gets its Coke syrup delivered in stainless steel tanks. According to the New York Times, the material keeps the soda fresher, and your tongue can taste the difference.

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