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Amazing Facts Related To Important Dated Of The Year | Part 2 | SardarJiFactSite

Facts About The Important Dates Of The Year

💪💪💪Let's Start Reading These Dates😤😤😤

Facts And Historical Events In July


Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day - 1st July.

There’s nothing more refreshing on a glorious summer's day than ice cream. But today isn’t just about ice cream, oh no, today is about getting creative with your ice cream flavors.
For a lot of people that could just be getting ice cream, they wouldn’t usually eat, like a mint choc-chip or something.
But some people will get downright weird with their creative flavors – in the Philippines some people have crocodile egg ice cream, or in Tokyo, you can get raw horse flesh flavored ice cream!

I Forgot Day - 2nd July

Not quite sure I can remember what this one’s about… no, wait!
Founded in 1999 by Gaye Anderson, today is a day about making up for all the things you’ve forgotten this year so far: birthdays, anniversaries, gatherings, etc.
Today’s the day to clear your conscience and make it all right.
Just make sure you don’t forget!

International Plastic Bag Free Day - 3rd July

In the U.K. you recently had to start paying 5p for a plastic bag pretty much everywhere, which means this day is now a lot easier to observe for the Brits!
Today is about making the most minor change in your daily routine, like taking a plastic bag to the shop with you or just not getting one at all, and making a big change to the world at large.

Facts And Historical Events In August


Underwear Day - 5th August

Ah, underwear, it’s embarrassing when you’re seen in it, it’s embarrassing when you have to change it unexpectedly, and it’s embarrassing to buy it with your parents.
Embrace the embarrassment today, buy yourself some fancy underwear, and go out in just your underwear, but please, for the love of god, wear some.

Book Lovers Day - 9th August 

This is the golden age of television and I like a good TV show as much as the next person.
But most of your favorite shows got their ideas from books, either with pictures or without.
If you’re not a big reader, then invest in some comics (but call them “graphic novels” so you sound grown-up).
Today we celebrate the book, in all of its beautiful and weird forms.
If you already love books then my work here is done, but if you don’t then pick a book at random and educate yourself. Or pick up a trash novel and ignore the world for a few hours.

Relaxation Day - 15th August

Not to be confused with Lazy Day, Relaxation Day is about letting go of the stress and doing something that soothes you.
Turn your phone off, light some candles, punch a cardboard cut-out of your nemesis, take a bubble bath… do something that really de-stresses you.

Facts And Historical Events In September


Letter Writing Day - 1st September

Ah, the written letter… not as clumsy or random as a text, an elegant medium for a more civilized age.
This day was invented by Richard Simpkin as a way to celebrate the joy one gets when receiving a written letter in the post.
There was once a time when the written letter was the largest form of global communication – former phone giant Nokia started its life out in 1865 as a paper printing mill!
So today honor the times of old and give somebody that joyous feeling of having a handwritten letter come to their house.

Skyscraper Day - 3rd September

This day marks the visionaries who dared to dream many years ago.
Although in the modern world we are used to seeing swathes of skyscrapers pushing their way up from the ground in many cities, there was once a time when the idea of such a building was preposterous to many.
So today take time to marvel at these wonders of engineering and the visionaries who dared to dream so big their dreams scraped the skies.

Buy A Book Day - 7th September

Yesterday you read a book, so today go and buy another one.
Created in 2012 to mark the cultural and economic importance of buying books, today is a great excuse for keen readers to treat themselves.
Or if you’re not a massive reader simply buy a book to read on next year’s September 6th!

Swap Ideas Day - 10th September

In a creative environment collaboration is key to helping that creativity thrive and come to life.
On this day share your ideas and thoughts with people if they’re struggling with some of their own, or share your ideas for zany inventions with your friends.
One day I’m going to invent a see-through toaster… wait, hasn’t that already been invented?

Video Games Day - 12th September

Video games get a lot of bad press in today’s world.
Shootings in schools get blamed on video games rather than guns, and drunk driving is blamed on video games rather than alcohol.
But for me, and many other gamers worldwide, video games are much more than an easy scapegoat.
Video games can bring people from all different walks of life together, binding them through a common love and a common form of escapism.
So take today to celebrate the joys of video games and every positive aspect they bring to the modern world and push extra hard to beat your high score!

Facts And Historical Events In October


Homemade Cookie Day - 1st October

Have you ever read something so beautiful?
Today we celebrate the cookies that don’t come pre-packaged, but instead waft their aroma through idyllic childhoods and kinda burn your mouth when you’re too impatient.
Bake yourself a batch of cookies today, whether you share them or not is entirely up to you.

Do Something Nice Day - 5th October

Take a look at the world, it sucks right?
Wars, famine, door-to-door salesmen, illness, suffering, and general intolerance from even the most well-off individuals.
Today do one thing to make the world a better place, plant some flowers, buy someone a cup of coffee, or actually make eye contact with the homeless people you ignore daily.
Don’t be a jerk, do something – anything – nice.

Chess Day - 9th October

The predecessor to chess (chaturanga) originated in Eastern India somewhere between 280 and 550 CE, but it wasn’t much like the game we know today.
Instead of black and white pieces, there were four divisions: infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariotry.
As it made its way through Europe, people spent about 500 years (1200-1700CE) tinkering with it to make the games we know and get bored by today.
Chess is said to be a game for intellectuals since each move is meant to be part of a grand strategy that results in your opponent crying on the floor and surrendering to your superior brainpower.
So play a game of chess today in celebration of Chess Day.
I won’t, but that’s because I suck at it.

Train Your Brain Day - 13th October

Your brain is important, it stops you from suffocating to death in your sleep and projects nice dreams about attractive celebrities for your own enjoyment (or is it for its own enjoyment?).
And yet most of us are happy to switch it off for most of our day.
Relaxing was rarely interactive before the advent of video games and social media, so don’t forget to exercise your brain today.
Do a crossword or Sudoku, read a book, download one of these brain training apps, or steal your mom’s original DS that she hides in her bedside drawer.
Just do something to help your brain get out of its rut.
It might thank you with more celebrity dream appearances.

Dictionary Day - 16th October

Dictionaries have been around for so long, just so long you guys.
The earliest evidence of a dictionary originated around 2300BC in the Akkadian Empire which is now known as Syria.
This particular Dictionary Day is in honor of Noah Webster (yes, that Webster), an American lexicographer and spelling reformer.
He’s the guy who basically threw out the English spellings and replaced almost every letter S, he came across with Z’s and removed almost all of the U’s, which he saw as superfluous to the words.
The first Webster’s Dictionary was published in 1828.
To afford your attention towards an educational tome which many a lexicographer has made his magnum opus, be it Samuel Johnson, Noah Webster, or Sebastián Covarrubias, who compiled the first monolingual dictionary (in Spanish) approximately four hundred years ago.

Facts And Historical Events In November


Use Your Common Sense Day - 4th November

This day was originally thought up by Bud Bilanich, a career mentor known as ‘The Common Sense Guy”, and is all about taking a step back from a situation to think it through rationally and use your common sense.
Rather than assume, think and deduce. That is a great lesson to take into life.

Gunpowder Day - 5th November

Remember remember the 5th of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. Known as Bonfire Night in the UK, on this day in 1605 one of the world’s biggest-ever terror attacks was thwarted.
Guido Fawkes had planned to obliterate the ruling King James I during his visit to the English Houses of Parliament with an incredibly large amount of, you guessed it, gunpowder.
Whilst some think of him as a terrorist, others think of him as a freedom fighter and visionary.
Regardless of your opinion or thoughts of Guy Fawkes, set some fireworks off tonight, and if you have the chance make sure you watch V for Vendetta, if for no other reason than because it’s an awesome film.

Hug A Bear Day - 7th November

For the safety of all you readers, I’ll say this upfront: DO NOT go out there today and try to hug a Grizzly Bear! Nope, today is all about cuddling your cute fluffy teddy bears.
Regardless of how old you are, or what walk of life you come from, you’re going to have a teddy bear handy, so today give it a big hug!

X-Ray Day - 8th November

Today celebrates the same day in 1895 when Willhelm Röntgen discovered that treated cardboard used in routine experiments glowed in certain situations as a result of radiation hitting the surface.
This led to the invention of the x-ray, and all the incredible life savings applications of this.
So today just take time to appreciate the healthcare benefits of the x-ray but also the less known uses such as the improvement of crop germination within the food safety industry.

Origami Day - 11th November

Origami, to most people like myself, when done properly is a god-like artistic skill.
Originating in Japan many centuries ago, the practice of origami takes great patience, discipline, and a lot of practice.
So today give it your best shot to make something origami, even if all you can make is just a paper airplane like me!

World Kindness Day - 13th November
This day comes from a “Declaration of Kindness” made by a collection of humanitarian groups back in 1997.
The whole idea of this day is to make the world a better place by showing just a little kindness to everybody.
Kindness can go a long way and is often paid forward, so to cut a bad attitude for the day and start to show a bit more kindness really could change the world.

Facts And Historical Events In December


Mutt Day - 2nd December 

Purebred dogs can be plagued by a whole host of nasty congenital illnesses, Shar Peis, for example, can have a condition that causes their eyelashes to curl inwards, causing blindness, and are lucky to reach the age of 10.
Thankfully, humans don’t interfere in every aspect of dog breeding, and so we have mutts, tiny little puppies born from passion rather than profit.
Today is a day to find a lovely mongrel and tell him he’s a good boy and will have a full life free from hip dysplasia (where the hips are displaced), epilepsy, and deafness.
Of course, dogs only hear the “good boy” part, and that’s why we love them.

Dice Day - 4th December

The Ancient Egyptians were known to use dice in 3000BC, in a game called Senet (though really, hieroglyphics are so hard to decipher that it could be called two reeds-eye-snake-grass for all we know).
Dice have been excavated from The Royal Cemetery At Ur, a Mesopotamian burial site dating back to the 24th century BC, and it is theorized that dice originated in the Middle East, which isn’t too surprising when you realize that the Ancient Middle East is known as “the cradle of civilization”.
Did you know that opposite sides of six-sided dice will always add up to 7?
Play a game of chance today, and wow people with your keen observational skills, I won’t tell them you got that fact from a website.

Ninja Day - 5th December

We’ve thought about the horrors in the world, and celebrated the humble dice, “but where are the fun days?” I hear you cry. Well, cry no more, because it’s Ninja Day!
Now, it’s important to address one glaringly wrong stereotype about ninjas: they don’t wear black.
A ninja (or shinobi) was a covert agent or hitman in feudal Japan, and they dressed just like everyone else, to avoid detection.
The ninjas you’re thinking of actually originated in Japanese theater when stagehands dressed in black would come onto the stage to carry out effects and move scenery around.
Since all theater requires some suspension of disbelief, it was customary for the audience to ignore the presence of those dressed in black.
Western interpretations of this theatrical custom have led to the ninja we know and appropriate today.
But enough history, watch a ninja movie, dress like a ninja, steal people’s cakes like a ninja, just make sure you’re stealthy.

Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day - 8th December

This delightful little holiday originates from a blog post in 2007 and has since become fairly popular in the western world.
This day has rules: you can’t break character or tell anybody that you’re a time traveler.
You can pretend to be from the future (good or bad) and run around looking confused at things like newspapers and watches, or even run up to someone and ask them the date, and when they tell you exclaim “There’s still time!” and run away.
Or you can pretend to be from the past; dress in period clothes and stare wildly at cars and cell phones and greet people in archaic English.
Either way, Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day is a fun, anachronistic day!

Ding-A-Ling Day - 12th December

No, it’s not a euphemism. Ding-A-Ling Day is all about calling friends and family that you haven’t spoken to in a while.
Started in 1972 by Frank Hyle, who took an ad out in the local paper stating that for just $1, you could join the Ding-A-Ling Club.
The response was 871 members, which, by my count, is about $850 for Mr. Hyle, after he accounted for the price of the ad.
The Ding-A-Ling Club would call friends and family members every year on this date.
To this day, people still honor the 12th of December by calling distant friends and nearly forgotten loved ones.
So pick up the phone today and let friends and family know that you haven’t forgotten them, you just suck at staying in contact.

😁😁😁Thanks For Coming😇😇😇





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