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60 Interesting Octopus Facts | SardarJiFactSite

Fact Of The Post

The oldest octopi fossil is 296 million years old.

Octopus Facts

Octopus facts for kids
1. It's illegal in many countries to perform surgery on an octopus without anesthesia due to its intelligence.
2. Octopuses move with simple elegance, but they have no rhythm,  unlike most animals.
3. Large octopuses have been known to catch and kill some species of sharks.
4. The oldest octopi fossil is 296 million years old.
5. Octopus wrestling was a popular sport in the 1960 s.
6. Octopuses are eaten alive in Korea.
7. If all else fails, an octopus can lose an arm to escape a predator's grasp and re-grow it later with no permanent damage.
8. An octopus doesn't have 8 arms but 6 arms and 2 legs.
9. A baby octopus is about the size of a flea when it is born.
10Around 300 species of octopuses are recognized.
11. Gaint Pacific octopus moms have over 50,000 babies, of which, only a few survive, while moms die.
12. Instead of mating, female octopuses will sometimes strangle males and eat them.
13. The largest octopus ever documented had a mass of 71 kg.
14. Octopuses have 3 hearts.
15. An octopus will eat its own arms if it gets really hungry.
16. the blue-ringed octopus is one of the world's most venomous marine animals: it kills you in one bite, and there is no antivenom. 
17. Mating may take up to several hours.
18. All octopuses have venom.
19. The blue-ringed octopus' venom is fatal.
20. The blue-ringed octopus' size is only five to eight inches.

Interesting Octopus Facts

Interesting octopus facts
1. The blue-ringed octopus bite is painless.
2. The giant Pacific octopus is the biggest octopus species.
3. Octopus has decentralized brains.
4. Deep-sea octopuses can't produce ink.
5. Almost all octopuses are predatory.
6. The plural form of octopus is octopuses or octopi.
7. Octopuses can regrow their arm if they lose one.
8. The species Vulgaris is the most common octopus species.
9. An octopus can change color in an instant.
10. Octopus changes their color through their muscles.
11Octopuses are smart creatures.
12. The octopus' eyes are located at the top of its head.
13. The octopus breathes through its gills.
14. Octopus is rich in the protein hemocyanin.
15. The octopus' blood is bluish.
16. The octopus' tentacles "continue to live" for an hour.
17. The octopus' taste is similar to calamari or squid.
18. Octopus has a slightly sweet taste.
19. Live octopus is a delicacy in South Korea.
20. Eating wiggling octopus is not a good idea.

Incredible Octopus Facts

Incredible octopus facts
1. It's not uncommon to see customers suffocate while eating live octopus.
2. Octopuses are non-social creatures.
3. They have many predators in the ocean.
4. They can build their own dens.
5. They have better vision than humans.
6. Most octopus for human consumption comes from North and West Africa.
7. After mating, it’s game over for octopuses.
8. Octopuses, to some, are erotic muses.
9. Octopuses have blue blood.
10. Octopus ink doesn’t just hide the animal.
11. Octopus arms have a mind of their own.
12. Aristotle thought octopuses were dumb.
13. Octopuses are way old.
14. Octopuses are widely considered to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates.
15. If Houdini was an animal, it’s safe to say he would have been an octopus.
16. They aren’t called “tentacles,” they’re called ‘’arms.”
17. Octopuses are considered erotic in Japanese culture.
18. Their camouflage abilities are out of this world.
19. Partly because they can “see” with their skin.
20Female octopuses die after their eggs have hatched.

Octopuses Trivia Questions And Answers

Why does an octopus have 9 brains?

Ans: The giant Pacific octopus has three hearts, nine brains, and blue blood, making reality stranger than fiction. A central brain controls the nervous system. Also, there is a small brain in each of their eight arms — a cluster of nerve cells that biologists say controls movement. ... Two hearts pump blood to the gills.

How strong is an octopus?

Ans: Some species have been observed lifting as much as 40 times their own body weight. And larger species are famous for snapping the spines of sharks. These are powerful animals. The giant Pacific octopus can lift at least 35 lb with a single sucker.

What does an octopus do?

Ans: The octopus performs its famous backward swim by blasting water through a muscular tube on the body called a siphon. Octopuses also crawl along the ocean's floor, tucking their arms into small openings to search for food. Seals, whales, and large fish prey on octopuses.

How many species of octopus are there?

Ans: 300 species
There are around 300 species of octopus and they are found in every ocean.

What animal has no brain?

Ans: Cassiopea
Cassiopea has no brain to speak of—just a diffuse “net” of nerve cells distributed across their small, squishy bodies. These jellyfish barely even behave like animals. Instead of mouths, they suck in food through pores in their tentacles.



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