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60 Facts About Cats That You Should Read Right Now | sardarjifactsite

Fact Of The Post

Cat brains are very similar to human brains. Physically, at least, their brains are about 90% similar to ours. Their brains are smaller, weighing just 0.9% of their total weight while ours weigh 2%.

Cats Facts

cute cat facts
1. The jury is out – Americans love cats more than dogs! No American household is complete without a furry little friend. While there are more US households with pet dogs, there are way more pet cats than dogs in total! A 2019 survey of US households found there to be around 94.2 million pet cats, while there were only 89.7 million pet dogs.
2. The saying, “A cat always lands on its feet” isn’t just an old myth. It’s actually accurate, in most cases at least! Cats have a natural ability to land on their feet called the “righting reflex”.This reflex allows cats to quickly assess which way is down and rotate their bodies while in mid-air.
3. A male cat is called Tom. A female cat can be a Molly or a Queen.
4. The higher the fall, the more likely a cat is to survive it.
5. There are many ways to refer to a group of cats. It really depends on the cats, too. The collective noun for wild cats, for example, is “destruction of cats”.
6. There are also quite a few ways to refer to a group of kittens.
7. It’s been scientifically proven that cat owners are healthier people. Patting a cat has been proven to release oxytocin, which lowers stress levels. There’s also a clear link between cat ownership and a lowered risk of strokes or heart problems, as a cat’s purr lowers blood pressure.
8. Cats purr for many more reasons than you would think. Most people associate a cat’s purr with it being happy, but that’s not always true. Some cats have a slightly different purr for when they’re hungry, and mother cats also use their purr to communicate with their newly birthed kittens.
9. You should probably stop feeding your cat milk. It’s common knowledge that cats are fans of milk, but many of them are actually lactose intolerant. While kittens can drink their mother’s milk, feeding them cow’s milk could be very dangerous to their health.
10. Cat brains are very similar to human brains. Physically, at least, their brains are about 90% similar to ours. Their brains are smaller, weighing just 0.9% of their total weight while ours weigh 2%.
cute cat facts
11. President Abraham Lincoln was a bit of a crazy cat lady. While he lived in the White House he kept several pet cats, most famously Dixie and Tabby. He adored all cats, and would quite often bring home strays that he had found. He was even known to feed Tabby directly from the table during formal dinners, much to his wife’s displeasure!
12. The first cat to take a trip to space was called Félicette.On October 18, 1963, a black & white “tuxedo” cat named C 341 was rocketed out into space, making world history.
13. If you think of yourself as a “cat person”, you’re among 11.5% of people in the world.
14. The record for the largest number of kittens in the same litter was 19.
15. Over her lifetime, a cat called Dusty had a total of 420 kittensDusty was your ordinary-looking cat, with no pedigree or special background.
16. The oldest known cat to give birth was 30 years old. Her name was Kitty, and she belonged to a man called George Johnstone.
17. The British TV show “Bagpuss” was ranked as the fourth greatest kid’s TV show.
18. Unfortunately, cats are still consumed as food in some parts of the world. The majority of the world loves cats and is appalled at the thought of eating one, but this is not the case everywhere.
19. There are around 60 different recognized breeds of cats worldwide.
20. There are more than 500 million pet cats in the world. Although, once again, this is a very difficult number to be sure of. There have been multiple attempts to count the number of pet cats worldwide, with some people even attempting this through an internet poll. The general estimates say that there could be anywhere between 200-600 million pet cats out there.

Amazing Cat Facts

cat facts
1. Ancient Egyptians worshiped a goddess who was half cat and half woman.
2. In Ancient Egypt, civilians would suffer severe punishment if they hurt a cat. The cat goddess Bastet was one of the most popular deities within the Egyptian pantheon. As such, cats were considered to be incredibly important creatures, bringing luck to anyone who looked after them.
3. On average, cats sleep for about 15 hours per day. They tend to sleep for such a large portion of the day as they would normally require great amounts of energy to hunt for food. Domestic cats still naturally try and conserve their energy for hunting, which can be used up by playing with toys instead!
4. Kittens require a lot more sleep than adult cats. Newborn kittens, for example, sleep almost 90 percent of the time – or up to 22 hours in a day!
5. Cats have more toes on the front paws than their back toes! There’s a pretty simple explanation for it too, and it’s all to do with their front paws.
6. Some cats can have up to eight toes per paw! Cats with more than six toes on one or more of their toes are called polydactyl, which comes from the Greek term meaning “many fingers or toes”.
7. Cat’s taste buds cannot detect sweet things. Many cat owners claim that their cats love things like ice cream, but it’s not the sugar they love – it’s the fat! Cats, like most mammals, have different taste receptors. Humans, for example, have at least five – sweet, umami, bitter, salty, and sour. Cats, on the other hand, taste all but umami.
8. According to urban legends, Isaac Newton invented the cat flap. Humans have kept cats at least as semi-domestic pets since at least 7,500 BC, initially for their keen rodent hunting skills. Holes have been cut in doors, walls, and barns for ages now, with this very intent.
9. Neutering your cat can increase its average life expectancy by 62%!
10. Cats have extraordinary night vision. As mostly nocturnal creatures, cats rely on their eyesight to hunt at night. While they can’t exactly see in complete darkness, they definitely have far greater vision than we do!
cat facts
11. Without a specific nutrient, cats can go blind. If you take a quick peek at the back of a cat food bag, you’ll find that taurine is always a listed ingredient.
12. House cats can run at a speed of 30 miles per hour. If you’ve been wondering why cats spend the vast majority of the day cat-napping, here’s a good explanation of why. The average domestic cat can run up to 30 miles per hour (46km/h) and does so quite often!
13. Those cute furry bits inside a cat’s ear are called “ear furnishings”.
14. Cats have a great sense of hearing and can hear ultrasonic noises. To put it mildly, cats have far superior senses than we do. Not only are their night-vision leagues ahead of ours, but their hearing also outshines ours too! Their ears can detect sounds ranging from the 55 Hz that we can pick up, all the way to 79 thousand hertz.
15. Most female cats prefer using their right paw, while males are more likely to be “left-pawed”.It’s not just humans who are right or left-handed. While we humans are for the most part right-handed, this just isn’t the case with cats.
16. Cats actually have one more eyelid than humans do.
17. They might have an extra eyelid, but they don’t have any eyelashes. Other than making us look good, eyelashes have a pretty specific purpose. They help keep dust and other bits and pieces out of our eyesAs cats have a third eyelid or haw, this just simply isn’t necessary.
18. When a cat rubs up against you it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re being affectionate.
19. The cat family consists of many different animals, but the largest is the tiger. The largest of all cats is the tiger, or Panthera Tigris, which measures up to 12.5 feet (3.9 meters) long. Tigers aren’t just big though, they’re phenomenally heavy too, weighing anywhere from 143 to 717 pounds (65-325 kg).
20. two different cat species contend for the title of “world’s smallest cat”.

Cat Facts Interesting

cat facts for kids
1. Taylor Swift’s cat is one of the richest cats in the world. Of Taylor Swift’s three cats, Olivia Benson is by far the richest. Unlike most other rich pets, Olivia Benson actually made most of her own money, sort of. As of 2020, she was worth $97 million, which she gained through advertising certain brands such as Diet Coke and Keds.
2. The world’s first cat show took place in Hyde Park, London. It was an event that started a trend that still takes place today.
3. It might not be the best idea to let your cat hunt mice. This might be a bit of an unpopular opinion, but if you value your cat’s health then it’s time to stop using them to deal with your mouse problem.
4. Cats aren’t really that great at hunting rats, either! If you ask anyone how to deal with a rat problem, they’ll advise you to get a cat. It’s an idea that has become more of a legend, than a fact, though.
5. Cat’s hearts beat around twice as fast as ours do. The normal range for a cat is anywhere between 140-220 beats per minute (BPM).
6. Ancient Egyptian cat owners would shave off their own eyebrows when mourning for their dead kitties.
7. The oldest known breed of cat is most likely the Egyptian Mau. In fact, Mau is simply the Egyptian word for “cat”.It’s quite difficult for us to know what the oldest domesticated cat breed was, but all evidence points to the Egyptian Mau.
8. Cats usually get along better with cats of the same gender. There are a lot of general rules when it comes to pairing cats. Two male cats, for example, could have territorial issues and fight instead of bonding. Bringing an older cat into your home isn’t the best idea either, as it will try to assert its dominance over your original cat.
9. Feeding your cat smaller meals more frequently could be a key to a healthier lifestyle.
10. If you decorate your house with poinsettia flowers at Christmas, keep them away from your cats!
cat facts for kids
11. Feral cats that live outdoors have a life span of around 2 years. It’s quite a hard life for feral cats. They’re constantly on the hunt for the next meal, a clean source of water, and appropriate shelter.
12. Indoor cats live much longer lives, with the average cat living for around 10 to 15 years.
13. Feed a cat too much tuna and they can become addicted to it. It’s a well-known fact that cats are massive lovers of fish. If you feed a small portion of tuna to your cat, you’ll probably notice they love it far more than their regular food. It’s important to only give it in moderation, though, as they can actually become addicted to it and refuse to eat anything else.
14. There’s a good reason why a cat’s tongue is rough. Being licked by a cat is a very strange sensation, and this is because of the tiny spikes (called papilla) that cover their tongues. These spikes are no evolutionary accident, though.
15. All kittens are born with blue eyes. It turns out that this is true for all mammals, too, but the color isn’t exactly blue. The reason their eyes appear to be blue is that the pigment which colors their eyes hasn’t developed yet.
16. Nearly all-white cats with blue eyes are deaf. The gene that gives cats blue eyes seems to be closely linked to the gene associated with hearing. Around 85% of all white cats with blue eyes will have some form of congenital deafness.
17. Kittens begin to lose their razor-sharp teeth at around 3 months of age.
18. Most cats hate water, but one Turkish breed absolutely loves it! Nicknamed the “swimming cat”, the Turkish Van originates from the eastern Anatolian region of Turkey, by Lake Van.
19. A small amount of fat is actually good for your cat’s health. In fact, fat is absolutely essential in a cat’s diet. Many essential vitamins and nutrients can only be absorbed properly with the aid of fat, so a lack of fat can be bad for a cat’s health.
20. Just as a human’s fingerprints are unique, each cat has a completely different nose.



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