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60 Fun Food Facts From Around The World | sardarjifactsite

Fact Of The Post

Potatoes are 80% water. 

Shocking Food Facts

food facts

1. Pound cake got its name from its recipe.
2. Most supermarket wasabi is actually horseradish.
3. The most expensive pizza in the world costs 12,000 dollars.
4. Ranch dressing is dyed.
5. One fast-food burger can have meat from 100 different cows.
6.  Fruit-flavored snacks shine because of car wax.
7. Nutmeg is a hallucinogen.
8. Crackers have holes in them for a reason. During the baking process, if the crackers have holes in them, it prevents air bubbles from ruining the product.
9. Ketchup used to be used as a medicine.
10. White chocolate isn’t chocolate.

food facts

11. Farmed salmon is dyed pink. Wild salmon is naturally pink because of all the shrimp they eat.
12. The red food dye for Skittles is made from boiled beetles.
13. Crackers are worse for your teeth than sugar.
14. Peppers don’t actually burn your mouth.
15. American cheese is not American. Processed cheese is thought of as an American product, but it was actually invented in SwitzerlandIt was created by Waltz Gerber and Fritz Stettler in 1911 to lengthen the shelf-life before it was shipped overseas.
16. Russia took a long time to classify beer as being alcoholic.
17. Cheese is the most stolen food in the world. There’s even a black market for cheese!
18. One in four hazelnuts ends up in Nutella. Nutella is so popular, that 25% of all hazelnuts end up in a jar!
19. Certain music can make you drink faster.
20. A corned beef sandwich was smuggled into space.

Mind-Blowing Food Facts

mind blowing food facts

1. Chocolate has been used as a currency in ancient civilizations of Mexico and South America.
2.McDonald’s sells 2.5 billion hamburgers every year.
3. You can find peanuts in dynamite.
4. Expiration dates on bottled water have nothing to do with the water. Water can’t expire – but the bottle it’s it can. Plastic bottles will eventually start leaking chemicals into the water.
5. Some people are scared of peanut butter.
6. Spam wasn’t invented in Hawaii. There’s even a spam museum in Minnesota! Although Hawaii consumed most Spam per capita than any other state, it was invented in Minnesota.
7. Getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth is annoying sure, but to have an irrational fear of it happening is the next level. But there’s a phobia for everything and this common occurrence is no exception.
8. Honey is bee vomit. When bees collect nectar, they drink it and keep it in their “stomach.”Once they’re back at the hive, they regurgitate the nectar into the hive.
9. The Three Musketeers doesn’t live up to its name. The famous Three Musketeers candy bar originally had vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate flavors in one! However, during World War II, they changed to only chocolate due to rations.
10. Froot Loops are all the same flavor.

mind blowing food facts

11. There’s no answer to how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
12. In ancient Egyptian days, radishes, onions, and garlic were given to workers as wages. Radishes specifically were because they helped with infectious diseases!
13. In Japan, chefs have to train for over two years to qualify to serve pufferfish.
14. French fries originated in Belgium, not France! They are only called French fries because they are French cut.
15. Twinkie cream isn’t cream at all. Although the inside is the best part and we’re always excited to get a solid bite of that fluffy goodness, it’s actually vegetable shortening!
16. Strawberries are not berries. Technically, berries only have seeds on the inside, a rule which is obviously broken by strawberries!
17. Pineapples have no relation to pine. The name comes from early explorers.
When they saw pineapples for the first time, they thought they looked like pine cones which is how the fruit got its name!
18.No one knows the origin of chocolate chip cookies.
19. Margherita pizza is named after a queen. When King Umberto I and Queen Margherita visited Naples, they wanted a change from their fancy food and asked for pizza, which was food for the poor back then. The queen loved the mozzarella pizza so much that it ended up being named after her.
20. Thomas Jefferson made pasta popular in the U.S.

Interesting Food Facts

interesting food facts

1. Cauliflower comes in multiple colors. Although we typically only see white cauliflower, it actually has purple, orange, and green varieties. Orange and purple cauliflowers have higher antioxidants!
2. Lima beans are deadly. Raw lima beans have lethal amounts of cyanide in them. But, if you cook them thoroughly, you’ll be just fine!
3. Chickpeas have more names than you think.
4. South African popcorn isn’t popcorn. If you visit South Africa and get a craving for popcorn – be careful! In South Africa, it’s more common for what they call popcorn, to be roasted termites and ants.
5. Not all wine is vegan. With the main ingredient being grapes, you’d think this would be a no-brainer. However, some common ingredients in wine are milk protein, egg white, gelatin, and fish bladder protein.
6. Sweet drinks can cause dementia. It’s not quite as drastic as it originally soundsHowever, studies have shown that people who drink one or more artificially sweetened drinks per day were almost three times more likely to develop dementia.
7. Nutrition labels are in order. If you’re reading up on the nutritional label to see if it fits into your diet, it’s organized by the ingredients that are used the most.
8. Bad eggs will float. If you need to test the freshness of your eggs, put them in a glass of cold water. The fresher the egg, the faster it will fall to the bottom! Any eggs that float should be thrown out.
9. Coffee is the main source of antioxidants for Americans.
10. Ripe cranberries will bounce. If you want to test how ripe your cranberries are, drop them on the ground! Cranberries are nature’s bouncy ball – even farmers use this technique to see if their cranberries are ready for shipment!
interesting food facts

11. Popsicles were invented by accident.
12. Bird saliva is a delicacy in China. One expensive delicacy of China is Bird’s nest soup which is made from rare bird’s nests created from the saliva of small swiftlets. They have been used in China for cookers for over four centuries.
13. Food is allowed to contain some amount of insects.
14. Coffee beans can help eliminate bad breath.
15. Mountain Dew contains orange juice. Although it tastes like a lemon-lime soda, orange juice is third on the list of ingredients, just behind carbonated water and high fructose corn syrup.
16. Chimichanga means “thingamajig”.Considered to be Mexican food, chimichangas actually originated from Tucson, ArizonaThe name was coined in the ’50s by a cook who was trying not to curse in front of kids.
17. Food tastes different when you’re flying. Altitude changes your body chemistry, making certain flavors taste different than how they taste when you’re on the ground.
18. There’s wood pulp in shredded cheese. An ingredient called “cellulose” is digestible wood pulp. It’s a filler used to keep the cheese from clumping together and is approved as safe by the FDA.
19. Human DNA is 60% the same as bananas. From this, 60% of our genes are identical to that of a banana; however, the other 40% are different enough to make us who we are!
20. Pizza Hut used to be the nation’s biggest purchaser of kale. Pizza Hut’s salad bar was popular way before kale became a trend back in the early 2010s. They used it as a garnish for its salad bars – it wasn’t even for eating!





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