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25 Captivating Facts About Coconuts And Benefits | sardarjifactsite

Food Facts About Coconut

Food facts about coconut

1.The name coconut is actually a combination of nut, and the Portuguese word coco, after the face-like image the shell has with the 3 holes.
2.Coconut grenades were a weapon used in World War II by the Japanese in which a coconut was filled with items most importantly a grenade, and then thrown at the enemy.
3.In April 2007 the largest coconut ensemble was held with 5,877 people in London. They played it to the Monty Python hit “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life“.
4.In 2011, Ho Eng Hui managed to pierce 4 coconuts in 12.15 seconds in Milan to set a world record.
5.People have actually used coconut fibers over the centuries to construct robust armor. This includes the natives of the Kiribati islands, who used woven coconut string to build their suits.
6.Coconuts, in different forms, are anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasite.
7.On average, three and a half cups of coconut equates to 1 tbsp (25 grams) of Fiber. This is the recommended daily amount of fiber an adult should have.
8.The slogan for Mounds, a U.S. coconut chocolate bar, was created during a contest of which the winner won a staggering $10.
9.The coconut palm is actually the national tree of The Maldives
10.In 2016 there were over 59 million tons of coconuts produced worldwide.
11.Falling coconuts cause death, although only a small amount. 2.5% of injuries in Papua New Guinea Provincial Hospital were reported as caused by falling coconuts. A very small number of those killed the patient.
12.Coconut water on average contains 94% water with around 46 calories a cup.
13.A coconut tree can have up to 180 coconuts harvested during a single harvest.

Coconut Facts Health Benefits

coconut facts health benefits

1.The coconut tree is botanically named Cocus Nucifera and they can grow up to 82 feet (25 meters) high.
2.In 2013 police in the Maldives took possession of coconut due to a belief that it had been cursed with black magic.
3.Just like mangoes, cashews, and cherries, the coconut is actually a drupe and not a nut. The drupe is an item that has a fleshy outer around a pit.
4.During World War 2, coconut water was said to be used to treat dehydration due to short medical supplies.
5.The largest producers of coconuts are Indonesia, the Philippines, and India.
6.In a U.K. poll, Bounty a chocolate & coconut bar – seemingly disliked by many – was actually voted as one of Britain’s top 3 favorite candy bars.
7.The coconut bra, famous for being a feature of the Hawaiian hula girl, is actually not native to Hawaii. The garment is a western idea that is not an authentic Hawaiian item.
8.The husk of coconut can actually be burnt to act as a natural mosquito repellent, a process used in many countries around the world.
9.The fairground pastime of coconut shy, a game consisting of stacked coconuts and balls to knock them down, has photographic evidence of it being played as early as 1890.
10.Researchers are investigating whether coconut husks can be used as a low-cost solution to building material in the Philippines.
11.Coconut oil has swept the beauty world with so many celebrities and iconic figures swearing by it including Eva Mendes and Priyanka Chopra.
12.Sinbad the Sailor sold coconuts on his fifth voyage, as told in the tale of the Arabian Nights.

Bonus fact

In Asian and Pacific Ocean cultures the coconut figures in creation stories and myths.

Why do coconuts have 3 holes?

Ever wonder why coconuts have 3 holes in them? The three holes on a coconut are germination pores where the seedlings would eventually emerge. The coconut palm is known as the "tree of life" because it is one of the most useful trees in the world.

What is coconut known for?

No wonder, coconuts are referred to as “man's most useful tree,” “king of the tropical flora,” “tree of abundance,” “tree of heaven,” and “tree of life.” Known in the science world as Cocos nucifera, it is the most important of cultivated palms and the most widely distributed of all palms.

How did coconut get its name?

The coconut got its name from European explorers who called it “coco,” which means hobgoblin because the three dots on the shell looked like a spooky face. 2. “Velocius quam asparagi coquantur,” coined by Roman emperor Augustus, means “faster than cooking asparagus!”

Where is coconut found?

Coconut, Cocos nucifera, from the Latin dux (nut) and fero (I carry), is a large palm of the family Arecaceae. It grows in the subtropical coastal regions of Asia (IndiaPhilippinesSri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia) and Oceania, where it originates.

Is coconut good for health?

Rich in fiber and MCTs, it may offer several benefits, including improved heart health, weight loss, and digestion. Yet, it's high in calories and saturated fat, so you should eat it in moderation. Overall, unsweetened coconut meat makes a great addition to a balanced diet.

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